Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] i ever [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But of all the damn fighters I ever did see ,
2 One of the finest books I ever had to review was Janet and Allan Ahlbergs Funnybones , a brilliant tale of what a skeleton family gets up to at night when everyone else is in bed .
3 One of one of one of the most charming speakers I ever heard , he was .
4 And your cousin was one of the first one of the few women I ever knew , who could take shorthand in Welsh .
5 One of the few occasions I ever saw him and the only one in which we sat face to face .
6 In the middle of March , Vance made what he later called " one of the most distasteful recommendations I ever had to make to the president . "
7 While he was away was the longest fifteen months and eight days I ever spent .
8 It was one of the worst trips I ever made in Venturous and it was my last .
9 Well , the first three albums I ever did , I was taking a lot of LSD .
10 I still remember him , after all those years , as one of the best-looking men I ever saw I 've never loved anyone in the same way since .
11 Mr Wesley had kindly words to say about the people of the little town and neighbourhood and there is no harm in reminding ourselves of what he thought about or predecessors : ‘ They have in general the finest natural tempers I ever knew ; they have the softness and courtesy of the Irish , with the seriousness of the Scotch and the openness of the English . ’
12 She was one of the most gifted singers I ever worked with .
13 Joseph Gill , John Pinney 's hard-drinking cousin , lived as near by as caretaker ; Peggy Marsh , described by Dorothy as ‘ one of the nicest girls I ever saw ’ , arrived after a month to help in running the enormous house ; and from the beginning Wordsworth and Dorothy were preoccupied with caring for a child not yet three years old called Basil Montagu .
14 The first words I ever heard spoken in Cambo were ‘ A coffee please , not too strong , ’ which seemed to sum up this mild and cautious little town .
15 That were the first words I ever heard on
16 Last year 's , th the f the first stockings I ever went to was brilliant , they had Right Said Fred live
17 Honey Come Back was one of the first singles I ever bought , and I always loved the way he played . ’
18 They were the best two words I ever heard in my life .
19 We had a lot in common and we liked each other and he was one of the best directors I ever had . ’
20 Erm DOS Five was one of the best buys I ever made because
21 JERVIS : Why , she is one of the most virtuous and industrious young creatures I ever knew .
22 Looking back on the deal , Chapman believed that ‘ one of the best bargains I ever made was the most costly one . ’
23 She was one of the kindest persons I ever met .
24 But one of the happiest jobs I ever had was working in a place called Lonsdale Sports .
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