Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb mod] [adv] go " in BNC.

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1 Some Anglicans would certainly go further : the Bishop of Birmingham , the Right Rev Mark Santer , who is the Anglican co-chairman of the theological commission trying to overcome doctrinal differences between the two Churches , says : If Anglicans and other non-Roman Catholics really do believe that the Christian Church is called to be at peace with itself , how — given the fact that Christians are sinful — do you actually keep the show together ?
2 But your old coins wo n't go to waste , because Malcolm Campbell , a service engineer at Wood Group Engineering Services [ Peterhead ] Ltd has got the perfect solution .
3 greasy you know , terrible , the poor old dears dare n't go .
4 They are absolutely crippling and some clubs could even go out of business .
5 Given such prompts , some informants may then go on for hours with their recollections and reminiscences .
6 A look of bewilderment comes over the faces of visitors who can not comprehend why some supporters will not go to watch the national side simply because they are playing on Rangers ' ground .
7 ‘ A few sweeteners would n't go amiss on your acid tongue , ’ she muttered .
8 Some sites can actually go and order everything .
9 Food : The test of a true boar : British gourmets could soon go the whole hog , writes Henrietta Green
10 Lilford ( 1989 ) sees the ability of the home authority to choose who receives treatment as a major benefit to be gained from the system , stating that ‘ some patients will still go without treatment , but commissioning agents will help patients with the greatest need or best prognosis .
11 Chamberlain , however , expresses a widely held view that ‘ some prices will probably go back up ’ , in the longer term if not immediately .
12 Wh while you 're on that madam chairman , I 've had two persons er contact me as regarding , you know playing field and er it 's a no go for dogs is n't it , and th and we therefore the people have mentioned they had to go down the side of the playing field onto the onto the old , and er have we an obligation to er to pave not pave it but er make it , it 's a very steep bank , a very steep old ladies dare n't go down , and they know they 're breaking the law by taking the dog in the in the er recreation ground , and I just wondered whether we had an obligation to er .
13 I tried lots of EQ and various level changes , but when pushed hard the combination of the pre and power amp made for a hard , aggressive sound which , okay , some players might really go for .
14 Because innovation is both conceptual and perceptual , would-be innovators must also go out and look , ask , and listen .
15 But the central issues will not go away .
16 If they did that , the Liberal Democrats would probably go along with .
17 Remember that Labour and Liberal Democrats would not go back to rates — they want people to pay a double income tax — and Labour want a property tax as well .
18 the Liberal Democrats will not go away .
19 Roy Hattersley , Labour 's deputy leader , said : ‘ I want to look very carefully at the idea to make sure that clubs do n't go out of business and that large families on low incomes can still go to football matches . ’
20 But these hijackers must not go free .
21 And of the Adults who left during the siege , or who managed to survive the fire , three Britons will soon go on trial for conspiracy to murder the federal agents who were killed or wounded in the initial shoot out .
22 Honourable but brief mentions must also go to Annie Lennox and Sinead O'Connor , for their uncompromising attitudes , bravery , outspokenness , passionate commitment to their music and because they prove it 's OK to be strong and to be vulnerable .
23 a couple of these men will probably go pro soon and one or two will surely go to England — as defence have been a problem for Leeds the last year or so Wilko should take a look at
24 Only three men would not go with her , Leading Seaman Webster , one other rating and Arthur , also the now Lieutenant Cherry RN ( Yankee ) would not be aboard .
25 These letters will now go out at Easter and in the autumn .
26 These reports will then go with the pleadings and form part of the documents for use of the trial judge .
27 A party which feels obliged to pitch such climbs in good conditions should really go and choose something easier .
28 When he ministered , there had been no Masses in the camps for a long time ; regular priests would not go in .
29 I live in Galway and have been supporting Leeds since 1977–1978 when I think we finished 5th in the first , endured the bad 80 's and have mostly enjoyed the 90's though a couple more trophies would n't go astray .
30 Tony Coleman , who led the opposition previously , said the dissenting voices would not go away .
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