Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] deal [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Being the being I am , though , and no other ( not yet anyway ) , I wanted full brothel privileges , the old male deal of dough and careless choice .
2 The FNT agreed to a six-month no-strike deal in return for a government undertaking that it would suspend plans to dismiss 25,000 state-sector workers , stabilize the currency and adopt a " realistic " view on questions of economic regeneration , privatization and title to property seized under Sandinista rule .
3 What is this big deal about dads and sons ?
4 David Rundle of Slough rang a London agency , seeking a return seat-only deal to Athens .
5 The non-performing writer could be offered a firm one-year deal with options covering the next four years .
6 The songwriter who is also a performer , and has acquired a recording contract , could hope to receive a firm one-year deal with options covering the next three years .
7 Television dollars have in the past paid for the rising salaries but today 's bidders seem determined to pay less than the $1.45 billion CBS and ESPN bid in winning the current four-year deal for network and cable rights .
8 I can reveal there will be no move to extend Taylor 's current four-year deal before England depart for the United States in 1994 .
10 There was widespread media criticism of the government for capitulating to the drug traffickers , but Gaviria denied that he had entered into negotiations or made any prior deal with Escobar as part of a policy to defuse the costly and violent " drug war " gripping the country .
11 THE biggest sporting deal in history might be good news for the football clubs who kick off the new Premier League but will it be good for soccer and its followers ?
12 The move will be seen as a further step towards a possible post-election deal between Labour and the Liberal Democrats , who are holding out for a commitment to PR for the Commons as a pre-condition of backing a minority government .
13 Does he agree that the liquidators and other representatives should study every proposal and option in order to secure the best possible deal for depositors , creditors and former members of staff ?
14 London futures prices rose 15% to £670 ( $1,170 ) a tonne , but fell within hours : coffee is plentiful and a new international deal on export quotas is a long way off .
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