Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] appeared to [be] " in BNC.

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1 There was a sadness in Orkney that religion appeared to be an element in the story .
2 By the end of the third day Iraqi resistance appeared to be collapsing , with the allies claiming to have taken more than 30,000 prisoners and to have destroyed over 2,000 tanks .
3 Yet no part of this extravaganza appeared to be derelict .
4 Yet a large public sector appeared to be an almost inevitable part of the modern economy .
5 These featured the abolition of the post of general secretary and its replacement by that of party chairman ( this proposal appeared to be the basis of a rumour broadcast by the United States television network CNN on Jan. 30 , producing a brief panic in world financial markets , that Gorbachev was about to resign ) ; replacement of the politburo with a new body more broadly representative of the Soviet Union 's federal structure ; and reduction in the size of the central committee , which would become a permanent working body .
6 The films were thus split into sections of five seconds each , this interval appeared to be long enough to give subjects a feeling for what was going on while still allowing them to give fairly comprehensive descriptions of the objects and events contained within each film section .
7 This group appeared to be opposed to both Mobutu and the leadership of the Sacred Union , calling for a new generation to take control of Zaïrean politics .
8 The massive oil slick in the northern Gulf , caused in large part by Iraq 's action in deliberately releasing oil into the sea [ see ED no. 43 ] , continued to cause concern during February , although earlier reports that it would have a devastating effect on marine ecology appeared to be exaggerated .
9 Three of the four previous league clashes between the clubs had ended goalless , and this game appeared to be heading the same way .
10 Three of the four previous league clashes between the clubs had ended goalless , and this game appeared to be heading the same way .
11 In Calcutta , most residents of the middle-class trading and residential district appeared to be out on the street .
12 The NPFL had earlier agreed that its representative would form part of a triumvirate of vice-presidents under an independent interim president , but this arrangement appeared to be stillborn .
13 In the context of a programme to modernize France 's policy of nuclear deterrence the Independent of Oct. 24 , 1990 , reported that the French government appeared to be " leaning towards the phasing-out of its ground-based long-range nuclear missiles " , which would " imply a commitment to developing a new long-range air-to-ground missiles possibly in collaboration with Britain , to equip the planned new Rafale combat aircraft " .
14 The British government appeared to be in no hurry to decide the date of the election , but impatience was sometimes expressed in Northern Ireland .
15 This analysis appeared to be substantiated by the small size of the proletariat in most Latin American countries , and by the agrarian and peasant character of the Mexican revolution .
16 Parties associated with policies of increasing taxation and growing public expenditure appeared to be less popular at the ballot box .
17 With her own key , ’ Virginia went on finally , when Guy 's taut , mask-like expression appeared to be engraved permanently .
18 Only if public order appeared to be on the verge of breaking down would the government contemplate restricting political liberty .
19 Her chief contribution to the English language appeared to be in the areas of grease and poison .
20 When Reagan first became governor the worst fears of those who had questioned his suitability as a candidate for public office appeared to be confirmed .
21 This sentiment appeared to be accurately echoed in the terms of reference of the enquiry into primary school methods which were announced by the Secretary of State in December 1991 .
22 Although initial fears that the smoke would cause climatic change on a global scale appeared to be exaggerated , it posed a threat to the health of both humans and animals in the northern Gulf states , southern Iraq and parts of western Iran .
23 To the movie-goers of the late '20s and '30s , the gangly , open-mouthed black , whose every second line appeared to be ‘ Yes , Massa ’ , epitomised his race .
24 Market-wide information appeared to be a cause of futures prices leading spot prices .
25 A principal purpose appeared to be to secure support for European Community ( EC ) aid for the Soviet economy .
26 However , in the study of Halushka et al ( 1981 b ) thromboxane generation appeared to be increased in diabetics without complications , and evidence of increased thromboxane generation comes from studies using experimental animals , for instance the spontaneously diabetic BB-Wistar rat ( Subbiah & Deitemeyer , 1980 ) and the streptozotocin diabetic rat ( Johnson et al , 1980 ) .
27 The passage of measures of social and economic reform appeared to be meeting their needs .
28 If one of the possible extensions scored well , i.e. the top-down prediction appeared to be correct , then the island would be extended further , otherwise the seed would be abandoned for the next best seed word generated bottom-up over that area .
29 White-collar crime appeared to be a normal and accepted part of business practice , being both very costly and highly organised .
30 Though individuals are giving less — on average , £1.27 a person per month , down almost 75 per cent on 1989 levels , according to the foundation — corporate giving appeared to be ‘ holding up ’ until the end of last year .
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