Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] agreement between the " in BNC.

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1 US environmentalists and trade union activists have united to demand changes to the proposed free trade agreement between the US and Mexico , which they claim fails to provide sufficient safeguards against the risks of cross-border pollution and the import of contaminated foods .
2 These maquiladoras are , however , having overspill effects with pollution of cross-border aquifers and river systems , leading the authorities in southern US cities such as San Diego , El Paso and Nogales to demand action ahead of the proposed Free Trade Agreement between the US and Mexico .
3 Negotiations over a joint fishing agreement between the two countries had been disrupted by incidents between Trinidadian fishermen and Venezuelan coastguards which had led to the death of one Trinidadian in October 1989 .
4 On Feb. 26 the French bank Crédit lyonnais announced that a crucial credit agreement between the Algerian government and eight major banks would be signed formally on March 4 .
5 Celebrations throughout Angola across the weekend of June 1-2 followed the signing of the May 31 peace agreement between the ruling Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola-Workers ' Party ( MPLA-PT ) and the United States-backed rebel National Union for Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) [ for which see p. 38180 ] .
6 The pledges about post-war economic policy which were extracted from the government before Beveridge were due to the United States and the importance it attached to statements of economic war aims , which were incorporated in the Atlantic Charter and the Mutual Aid Agreement between the two countries .
7 The December 1987 unification agreement between the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front ( ZANU-PF ) and the other main party , the Patriotic Front-Zimbabwe African People 's Union ( PF-ZAPU ) , created a de facto one-party state .
8 A Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson on May 13 stressed that Turkey had repeatedly said that " Iraq 's territorial integrity must be preserved " and said that the election document drawn up by the Kurdistan Front went beyond the 1974 autonomy agreement between the Kurds and the Iraqi government .
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