Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] at [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 Another try at the corner of Sassenach was made by Jimmy Marshall in 1953 , again from the Centurion groove .
2 A reply was then received from Mr Quarry but the proposed ground rent of £15 a year was considered too high and another effort was made to get from the Baroness von Steiglitz some ground at the corner of what is now Carrickblacker Avenue and in the same field where the existing Tabernacle stood .
3 No aside the wee shop at the corner of Street .
4 N.Z. A Weak Heart : Roddie on his bike in the evening , with his hands in his pockets , doing marvels by that dark tree at the corner of May Street .
5 Yesterday she had gone to the dingy little newsagent at the corner of the street to pay the paper bill , and to buy Matey a writing pad and envelopes , when she had seen on the counter a pile of postcards depicting society beauties .
6 I could just make out that she had a little smile at the corner of her lips .
7 She looked for sarcasm in his expression and spotted it , just for an instant , hidden in the slight curve at the corner of his mouth .
8 That woman at the corner was she has her bag pinched often .
9 There are a few people who develop sores or cracked skin at the corner of the mouth and suffer from riboflavin or vitamin B2 deficiency .
10 His cheekbones were high , his nose straight as an arrow , his chin jutting , his mouth wide and sensual in spite of — or maybe because of — the stern downturn at the corner of his lips .
11 The stair handrails extended to this stanchion , there was no upright rail at the corner of the dash , but the grab-rail at the centre of the platform step had an equally large fancy bracket on top .
12 St Ives had pencilled a little red spot at the corner of each eye , to make them look bigger .
13 Then winger Crawford Dobbin ran half the length of the pitch for the final score at the corner flag .
14 But this much I must tell you — ’ He looked around the chamber , as if expecting to see a silent listener at every corner .
15 In March 1948 , Croydon Corporation had discussion with London Transport about plans for the widening of the main road at the corner of North End and Crown Hill , so that the tram track could be doubled at this last remaining section of single track on the main line .
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