Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] to be sure " in BNC.

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1 Now there were few options open to her ; rather on the old side to be sure of getting married , she decided to do what most of those who wanted to survive usually did : she left Frome .
2 We know enough of the historical background to be sure that it was built little before 525 B.C.
3 Is n't it good of them spending all this time to be sure I shall be quite safe here ? ’
4 Perhaps we should conduct annual examinations from an early age to be sure that we do as little of this sort of damage as possible ?
5 ( a ) There is usually no real way to be sure that the piece of equipment devised is adequate for the purpose unless of course it is a straight copy of an existing commercial model .
6 No setting off home straight after a quick lunch to be sure of catching the last lift ?
7 This is anecdotal evidence to be sure , but it lends support to a considerable body of opinion which sees training of children as either inadequate or ineffective :
8 This is anecdotal evidence to be sure , but given the lack of any measures to enforce the speed limit it was hard to see how any safety gains had been made here at all .
9 Ingard , guessing wrong about the airport , put in an enormous tender to be sure of getting the land .
10 But there 's one thing to be sure of ; their hearts are in this game for keeps .
11 Whatever their state of readiness and interest , each lesson is a constant stream of decision-making , and of matters of judgement , both large and small , about situations that are unprecedented , and for which there is insufficient time and usually not enough available information to be sure of getting it right .
12 Ask for a specimen policy and read the small print to be sure you will not be affected by exclusions and that the cover is appropriate for your particular travel arangements .
13 In this case the only way to be sure is to go through the procedure of HIV testing .
14 Neither are completely reliable , and the only way to be sure of landing an effective shot is to play the odds — buy several machines !
15 She did it by careful eating and taking more exercise and , whatever anyone else tries to tell you , that is the only way to be sure of losing weight .
16 Having discharged her duty , Mrs Pigdon had left the room , with a parting injunction to the unwanted guest to be sure and hurry .
17 DEFENCES Clive Greenacre , in his distrust , used his wife 's agoraphobia as a defence against his own need to be sure of her being safely where he left her .
18 Therefore it is suggested that the physical search is the best way to be sure that the premises are vacated .
19 To her annoyance , she could not remember the evening with sufficient clarity to be sure .
20 Then , and only then , begin the side-slip and use up sufficient height to be sure that full airbrake will be more than adequate to get down for a spot landing .
21 And with a little extra trouble it can be turned into a splendid party dish — not for a grand formal party to be sure , or even a buffet party , but the sort of meal for intimate friends when you can put all the food on a huge scrubbed kitchen table and everyone sits round and helps themselves .
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