Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] would [vb infin] far " in BNC.

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1 This link would affect far fewer people , there would be less disturbance to Darlington and its residents , and the bypass would be utilised fully .
2 This situation would ( as we shall see ) be very desirable in the UK ; some librarians , some teachers and some media specialists have painstakingly and at much personal cost gained dual or multiple status , and the extension of this practice would go far towards resolving unnecessary antagonisms between professional interest groups .
3 ‘ That simple act would do far more to ease cross-community tensions than all the community holidays since 1969 , ’ he claimed .
4 One significant advantage of electric vehicles is that their widespread use would make far better use of off-peak electricity .
5 The Conservatives have been right to warn voters that a Labour government would mean far higher tax increases than John Smith currently promises — either that , or Labour would not be able to improve benefits and services in the way people want .
6 By harping on Tory underfunding' , they deliberately create the impression that a Labour Government would spend far more .
7 Poor Harry , so incongruously yoked in the forced democracy of death , whose stiffening body would receive far more attention in its dissolution than it had ever received in life .
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