Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] point [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 In Roffey it was held that a procession was an ‘ assembly ’ for the purposes of the Air Navigation Order 1954 , and the commentary on that case points out that a procession was regarded as an assembly for the purposes of the old offence of unlawful assembly .
2 One social scientist pointed out that the weighting of the two subjects does not have to be equal :
3 It is relevant to the theme of this chapter to point out that they have also been called " epieugeosynclines " , that is to say , fault-bounded geosynclines developed on top of old eugeosynclines .
4 I am grateful that the hon. Gentleman pointed out that the closure of pubs , which was a common feature of the industry before the orders were thought of , has nothing to do with the Government 's policy or the MMC inquiry .
5 The hon. Gentleman pointed out that the soldier returned at one point when Mrs. X and her husband were still at the base .
6 Whereas the White Paper working paper dealing with this topic points out that ‘ the scheme will be structured to ensure that GPs have no financial incentives to refuse to treat any category of patients ’ , it is well known that , in the USA , HMOs reduced the number of hospital admissions dramatically .
7 Those who use the term ‘ paragraph ’ to describe a unit in the structural analysis of written discourse go to some trouble to point out that they are not describing the orthographic paragraph .
8 Another student pointing out that Britain ‘ was mired in recession and the Conservative Party unable to do anything about it ’ asked what Britons would gain by electing Mr Major .
9 Buckland 's early paper on this subject pointed out that the Librarian 's capacity to determine official loan periods gives him ‘ a powerful and precise device for influencing the availability of books in his library ’ .
10 This report pointed out that there existed no clear accountability for the expenditure of public money on local services and called for an audit service independent of both central and local government .
11 Another participant pointed out that the Northern Ireland budget over the last five years had only increased in line with inflation .
12 When another objector pointed out that the Pan-Am jumbo jet which exploded in mid-air over Lockerbie in Scotland in December 1988 , killing 270 people and scattering its debris for miles , had just minutes earlier passed over the Chapelcross nuclear power station , the reality came frighteningly close .
13 This chap pointed out that she could n't be a widow , as she 'd never married .
14 It is sufficient at this stage to point out that there are difficulties in making the categorical statement that the practice of hi sā can never lead to Truth .
15 As this meeting is in camera it is allowable at this stage to point out that certain elements in this family , being of — er — immigrant origin , ah , have a totally different conception of the role of a daughter in a family and of parental rights , and while doing all they could to respect the traditions of minority ethnic groups , and in particular the rather dominant role of the father in such societies , in the last resort it was with the protection of a minor that the Council was concerned according to the law of this country .
16 Wilfrid 's biographer , some satisfaction to point out that Ecgfrith 's partnership with Wilfrid coincided with the king 's years of military success and that his failures followed from their differences .
17 Some three months later , on 5 June 1824 , he wrote to the Central Committee pointing out that as the bulk of shipwrecks on the island were from ‘ the surrounding kingdoms ’ it would be of benefit to all maritime interests for lifeboat stations to be established by the national organisation .
18 Clearly it is no mere anthropomorphism to point out that the functional relation between these two and their capacity in man to render the species largely independent from and a controller of his natural environment has become a prime factor in the advance of man over other primate species .
19 It does not dispute such continuity to point out that the emergence of recombinant DNA was at least equally descendent from confluent broad and powerful scientific currents in genetics , cell biology , biophysics , biochemistry , etc .
20 ‘ The national campaign points out that over the past year as more and more hospitals have opted out of health authority control a two-tier system in health care has developed .
21 The Younger Committee pointed out that any attempt to control the distribution of unsolicited advertising matter by legislation would involve an element of censorship in determining which types of advertisement or literature were permissible and which not ; they recommended no action .
22 Do I get a prize for being the 1000th person to point out that guitar music is written up an octave , not down , to keep it on the treble clef ?
23 The white paper points out that a higher coal burn by the electricity supply industry would mean that more stringent measures would be needed to limit emissions by other sectors , including transport .
24 A brief discussion pointed out that his principal role was that of liaison between the Commission and the Association of Catholic Headteachers .
25 Goody himself in a later essay points out that ‘ at least during the last 2,000 years the vast majority of peoples of the world ( most of Eurasia and much of Africa ) have lived in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write ’ ( 1968 , p. 4 ) .
26 A speaker at the International Congress pointed out that there are two approaches to handicap — either we can adapt the environment ( e.g. by providing wheelchairs , ramps , etc ) or we can make the individual do the adapting .
27 The typical case is one in which a factual statement points out that a situation is one of the kind in which an ethical statement asserts that a certain obligation holds , that is , one in which it has expressed the wish that people should act in a certain way or meet the disfavour of others .
28 In contrast to Table 3.9 , Table 3.10 shows higher consultation rates by the lower socio-economic groups , but the Black Report points out that this can only be a tentative conclusion because of the problematic nature of the data on which the table is based .
29 More prestigious universities , showing a surer touch than the Royal Society of Chemistry , had refused to get involved with Elena , but the Romanian Embassy pointed out that she would have taken the Central London Poly for a much grander institution than it really was .
30 A sudden variation in sentence complexity may help to give this effect : Norman Page points out that at the beginning of Jane Austen 's Emma , the three-word sentence " Miss Taylor married " stands out momentously against a background of longer sentences ( the average sentence length for the first five paragraphs of the novel being 26.5 words ) .
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