Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] suggest [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 In contrast , antibodies against C/EBPδ ( 27 ) completely abolish the IL-6 induced complex suggesting that it contains C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β .
2 Though the rich legacy of an extensive black presence on this continent suggests that it may be possible for many commentators , the terms ‘ black ’ and ‘ European ’ remain categories which mutually exclude each other .
3 Contrary to some of the conclusions drawn from social scientific research suggesting that it is primarily home or family backgrounds that determines the level of educational performance , Edmonds proceeds to identify those characteristics of effective schools delivering marked improvements in children 's educational achievements .
4 The title of this work suggests that it is an essay in the sociology of transport , a subject that has crept into some degree and other courses at University level .
5 Ali Cemali , who had in the years between 888 and 891 moved on to other posts , was the first appointee to the new medrese and , though his salary is not specified , the course of his career to this point suggests that it can not have been less than 50 akce a day .
6 Historical evidence suggests that it is not the absolute level of unemployment which restrains wage claims but its rate of change .
7 The hon. Gentleman suggests that it was a bogus sham .
8 But there was just enough from John Major this week to suggest that it is n't a fantasy either .
9 Nevertheless , the fact that in recent years some clinicians have had cause to question the cultural background suggests that it can no longer be neglected .
10 Of course , the state is not insulated from economic pressures or political demands from the working class and other groups , but this analysis suggests that it will respond to them in ways which are to its own advantage , which may not coincide with the narrowly defined interests of capital or other political forces .
11 It is quite another thing to suggest that it is therefore proper to place higher burdens of proof on defendants , and to restrict the presentation of the defence .
12 Altogether the timing and pattern of this increase suggests that it is connected with an increase , shift or change in habits of a continental population , rather than the British .
13 The Hayward 's lower galleries are mainly devoted to personal contributions , to semi-abstract painting ( and the absence of sculpture in this section suggests that it was easier to join international art by painting rather than sculpting ) .
14 To represent the dependence of the world upon God it is a classic error to suggest that it is like a car that requires an initial shove down the street and thereafter runs of its own accord .
15 Recent analysis of the impact of retirement on personal adjustment suggests that it is less aversive than many have assumed .
16 President Bush claimed , during the election campaign , that his ‘ dog Millie knew more about foreign policy than Bill Clinton ’ and there is much evidence to suggest that it is not Clinton 's strongest card .
17 The amount of the Japanese contribution to the planned fund to promote free-market investment was not specified , but the Japanese press suggested that it might be below the US$1,000,000 which the US government was seeking from Japan .
18 An early estimate suggested that it was more than seven times as high , when social disadvantage was defined by the presence of all three of the following indices : overcrowding ( more than 1.5 persons per room ) , low income ( supplementary benefit or free school meals ) and adverse family circumstances ( coming from a single-parent home or a home with more than five children ) ( Wedge and Prosser , 1973 ) .
19 The opinion of the Permanent Court in the Interpretation of the Greek-Turkish Agreement suggests that it can .
20 There is some historic evidence to suggest that it included about 800 titles , among which some so important that they have tantalised historians ever since : works by Cicero , Tacitus , the Greek historian Polybius , the playwright Aristophanes etc. , quite possibly in complete versions .
21 A political commentator of our own day , Paul Johnson , quoted it not long after Major became Prime Minister to suggest that it was also true of him .
22 Economic theory suggests that it will not always be profitable for incumbents to deter entry by increasing advertising expenditure as is the case , for example , when the market is growing rapidly .
23 Although the death rate from asthma in England and Wales is reported to be about 2000 a year , clinical experience suggests that it is much rarer .
24 The parameter Φ was originally considered to be a universal constant , but experimental work suggests that it is a function of the solvent , molar mass , and heterogeneity .
25 The one written reference to ecclesiastical coinage suggests that it should be interpreted in a very particular way .
26 At first sight , the location of protest sub stantially among Romania 's alien ated Hungarian minority suggests that it may be more easily confined by the leadership in Bucharest .
27 The construction of this giant-eyed trilobite suggests that it lived an actively swimming life well above the bottom , and possibly in the surface waters of the sea .
28 But the scale of recruitment to the revolutionary underground suggests that it can not be explained in terms of individual maladjustment .
29 Although a trial judge might exclude evidence on the ground of fairness under s 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , the fact that Parliament had incorporated the provisions of s 2(8) into the 1987 Act suggested that it had not felt that the power under the 1984 Act was sufficient to protect a person from being compelled to give evidence .
30 One type suggests that it is simply the frequencies with which the separate features occur ; a ‘ prototype ’ is often said to be formed from the most commonly occurring features ( thus we form mental prototypes of dog , tree , car , and so on ) .
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