Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [art] background " in BNC.

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1 Our basic model is developed from the circular flow relationship that was established in Chapter 1 , and so the reader is recommended to refer to that chapter as a background for the present discussion .
2 As the choristers sang a low chant in the background , the priest moved from one vessel to the next , praying for the fishermen to be kept safe from harm , and asking that the catch over the next year may be bountiful .
3 One of 69 Squadron 's Marylands on Takali airfield , with Hurricanes of 261 Squadron in the background .
4 ‘ Thus we consider this case against the background of a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited , robust , and wide-open , and that it may well include vehement , caustic and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials .
5 The confirmation of a bold conjecture will involve the falsification of some part of the background knowledge with respect to which the conjecture was bold .
6 I 'm trusting you with some part of the background .
7 But before you write that happy bulletin off as a well-timed election omen for the ‘ Greens ’ or as confirmation that jumping in general and Aintree in particular have ‘ gone soft ’ just pause and take another look at the background to last week 's events .
8 There was also a clear indication in the background that they would refuse to play in any joint events , such as Wimbledon or the French Open , unless they were paid equal prize money with the men .
9 This chapter will examine the evidence on the performance of British industry against the background of these changes .
10 People and animals portray in this , in the Tahiti painting , never seemed to be in a hurry , erm , even when always relaxed even when working and I wondered how much of this was cultural and erm , how much was due to the large amounts of erm drugs consumed in most paintings at this , this period but that I suppose I 'll , I 'll never know for sure about , erm with this painting I found in the background , er there 's a figure , that 's looking in on the situation and I , I for myself think 's its probably Gaugin , as he portrays himself as Christ , which I think he did quite a lot to me in , in , in a few of his paintings and so this painting gave me tremendous sense of being looked in on and this figure in the background , was the person that was doing the looking in .
11 With this work as a background , it is now possible to review and develop the various options for change in the planning system which are currently proposed .
12 They were looking for something ‘ studenty ’ , so , of course , languid blondes in punts with medieval architecture in the background duly emerged from the dozens of rough sketches scribbled by Willie Rushton .
13 In imagination I hear angelic laughter as a background to the life of the other world .
14 Before examining the subsequent development of natural justice , some examination of the background theory which justifies procedural rights is warranted .
15 It is best to select a fairly dark , fine-grain veneer for the background since it is then less likely overall to read as a number of different pieces .
16 She dyed some of the rice grains a different colour from the background , these grains were easy to see : she dyed other grains the same colour as the background , which made them difficult to see .
17 The third problem is in a sense the most important , albeit a corollary of the two preceding points : the application of substantive principles will require the proper articulation of a background political theory which will serve to explain why a particular principle is said to produce or demand a particular result in a given case .
18 An interesting comment on the background to this is provided by a statement from the Managing Director of Nor Fran Aluminium which employs 60 people on the Chirton Estate .
19 Above all he knew little more about Matthew Glynn than might reasonably appear in his obituary , but he needed to know the man well enough to see him going about his daily life against the background of his home and shop and in the context of his family , friends , and acquaintances .
20 There is one large interesting watercolour with a background of the Langdales , a middle ground of Hornby Castle and a foreground of the lower falls at Rydal ; all this is explained at the foot of the picture .
21 ‘ They have all this music in the background and people like Bush giving all these fierce power speeches .
22 A 36 year old man with a background of heavy alcohol intake presented to another hospital with a four day history of abdominal pain , vomiting and jaundice .
23 It was the logic of their medium ( the camera filmed what it saw ) and the need for stories that led producers to film aspects of their times but in the movies themselves the supremacy of fiction relegated society to a background .
24 Adorno sees the prevalence of conventions and repetitive norms in twentieth-century popular music against the background of a musical tradition — European bourgeois art music of the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries — which evolved in a strongly non -schematic direction .
25 Teachers of multi-ethnic classes need to develop some awareness of the backgrounds of their students .
26 This tuck stitch is easy to work on the Singer Big Nine and you can see from this sample that by working with a lighter shade for the background for the first four pattern repeats followed by a darker one for the background , similar amounts of yarn have been used over the same number of rows .
27 To anyone approaching this verse with a background in rabbinic or medieval Hebrew , the A-line is quite ambiguous : is " eternity " or " the world , universe " ?
28 Assuming you understand the history text , you must then relate this information into the background context of your knowledge of the subject matter .
29 The grassed oval arena , with its high embankment against a background of slender trees , should be visited .
30 What people objected to in the end was not God , as I 'd thought , but the suburban house in the background and the garden out of House and Garden .
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