Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] england with " in BNC.

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1 To reproduce French cooking in England with any success at all it is best , I think , to go for dishes with less resounding reputations and less specialized ingredients .
2 She now lives in the longest village in England with her husband and two children , Sebastian and Octavia ( Octavia because she was born in eight minutes ) .
3 Nick , by this time leading a glamorous social life in England with his girlfriend Arabella ( Ari ) Campbell MacNair-Wilson , daughter of a Conservative Member of Parliament , proposed that since nobody wanted a purely business party for journalists and other promotional appendages , each of the children should invite their own friends .
4 Well I wrote that history erm that social history of England with erm one point very much in mind .
5 In 1532 he was sent as Ambassador to the German Emperor , nominally to discuss the latter 's plan for European action against the Turks , but secretly to explore a possible alliance for England with some of the Protestant German princes .
6 ’ It is most important that the French should be aware of the united action of England with the other powers , the knowledge of it will have a most wholesome influence on the French government . ’
7 Until that time the Royal Academy of Arts , which was founded in 1768 , was the only body in England with a substantial representation of architects among its membership , although they were always out-numbered by painters and sculptors .
8 The orphans started their first day in England with a hearty breakfast .
9 The Local Government ACT 1972 provided for a two-tier structure throughout England with the addition in some places of a third tier of Parish councils .
10 The Anglo-Norman community was a socially isolated but powerful group : the higher aristocracy of England with their households and retinues .
11 Outside the city walls , Yorkshire is the largest county in England with a varied landscape of dales and moors , rich farmland and historic monuments .
12 A special category of illustrated book is the ‘ extra-illustrated ’ or , ‘ grangerised ’ work , so called after James Granger ( 1723–76 ) who , in 1769–74 , published a five volume Biographical History of England with blank leaves for the purchaser to add additional illustrative material-portraits , facsimiles , plans , topographical scenes , even original letters and documents .
13 That the IRA has chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population in England with a second litter bin bomb attack in a month may indicate desperation or bloody mindedness , or both .
14 In his Life of St Oswald , Brihtferth of Ramsey described the Danes as accursed ( nefandi ) and accomplices of Beelzebub , while Archbishop Wulfstan 's Sermon of the Wolf equates the imminent Scandinavian conquest of England with the reign of AntiChrist .
15 Elections of bishops took place in the royal court in England with the king deciding the number of electors .
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