Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] point [adv prt] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Government is fond of pointing out that output rose 20% between 1981 and 1991 , but it is setting the starting point in the trough of a recession to suit itself .
2 As Levi-Strauss was to argue , different histories have different temporalities : the time scales of the sciences do not work at the same pace as other forms of history : they have their own dynamic , their own rhythm , their own times , sometimes fast , sometimes slow , that do not operate by the ordinary round of the year ; Bachelard was fond of pointing out that from a scientific point of view the ten years from 1920 to 1930 were as long an era as the previous five hundred .
3 She justifies this by pointing out that there are three thousand young women working in town centres around the country , whose welfare is paramount to her .
4 She explains this by pointing out that young Clonard men have been hard hit by unemployment , and this has weakened their networks .
5 Sharman counters this by pointing out that conventional syntactic grammars do not take semantic information into account either .
6 Though doubtless partly motivated by a desire to draw the reader away from his own personal life , Eliot was serious in pointing out that , ‘ Anyone who is acquainted with these works [ of Weston and Frazer ] will immediately recognize in the poem certain references to vegetation ceremonies ’ , which , as in the quatrain poems , were associated with religion and human sexuality .
7 To people who went on about their likeness the girl was assiduous in pointing out that every feature when compared was different , but they were recognisable instantly as mother and daughter , as the woman in the shop said , they were from the same mould .
8 Freud 's notion of sexuality was more inclusive than just sexual reproduction , but he was not unique in pointing out that sexuality was an important biological instinct .
9 It is not rude in pointing out that she sometimes fails to apply it ,
10 But no transgression against Hume 's stricture is involved in pointing out that people 's views about what ought to be — their moral stance and outlook — may be directly related to certain distinctive features of their lives .
11 Nevertheless , Bell is right in pointing out that style shift and code switching are closely related .
12 Though what I am trying to do is just explore all these possible lines of thoughts erm in a political way , alright , but they do n't work out neatly and these critics got quite excited about so I thought I ought to point them out to you but you 're quite right in pointing out that they do n't work out neatly , O K. So we 've got to , where have we got to with George ?
13 This myth can be countered in its own terms : first by pointing out that the impressive economic performance of countries like Indonesia and the Philippines , whose per capita incomes have grown by an average of 3.0% a year in the last few decades , took place alongside rapid population growth ; second by showing that Africa 's ten richest countries have similar population growth rates to the continent 's ten poorest countries .
14 Erm , three things I did n't know about John before , he was very mo , modest in pointing out that he was the top salesman twice before last year 's award , he was very quick to tell me that .
15 He was not slow in pointing out that some facts had to be taught , and learnt , for which there was not , nor sometimes was there ever likely to be , a satisfactory explanation .
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