Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] be related to " in BNC.

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1 This may be related to a relative lack of social stability : being more frequently single and in less permanent accommodation .
2 They speculated that this may be related to the fact that patients are referred with chronic or refractory conditions that have proved difficult to treat in general practice .
3 The feeling of psychological revival and an elevation of mood is a common experience in mountains , and this may be related to the euphoric and hallucinogenic effects of low oxygen levels in the brain brought about by hard exercise at high altitudes .
4 Surprisingly the sensitivity reported for this technique is frequently less than that for duodenal aspiration cytology , although this may be related to differences in the stage of disease being investigated .
5 This may be related to the destabilisation of the gastric mucosa engendered by a lifetime of exposure to the environmental conditions in coal mines , although clearly these symptoms could also be related to the asthenia of chronic respiratory disease which is so common in coal miners .
6 This may be related to the maintenance of hepatopetal portal blood flow as well as the small diameter of the shunt .
7 This must be related to the right for people to retire free from work-related injuries and illnesses .
8 This will be related to levels of carbon dioxide emitted and will provide a strong incentive for saving energy and investing in cleaner sources .
9 Another crucial factor is the concentration of reactants ; in the case of a solution ( such as soil water ) reacting with a solid ( such as a rock ) this will be related to the surface area of contact between the water and the constituent minerals of the rock .
10 This can be related to the concern in Derrida 's work with the politics of feminism and other positions which contest institutional and political appropriation and exclusion .
11 This can be related to the polymer molecular weight M 2 through so that and finally
12 By using Green 's theorem the integral of over the rectangle PNML indicated in Figure 14.1 can be related to its line integral around the boundary .
13 These may be related to the history and age of the organisation , leadership and management style and its structure and systems .
14 These should be related to the average cost of the services .
15 But the emergence in England of the French ‘ broad-fold ’ idiom — a ‘ style that was undoubtedly coming to transform the appearance of the figurative arts ’ — in the 1260s might be related to the close and active relationships created between the two kingdoms by the diplomatic and judicial consequences of the treaty of Paris in 1259 .
16 These will be related to its function i providing for the personal lifestyles of the Pelham family as well as its role as a local and national power base .
17 These can be related to the master series : 3 , 4 , 6 , 8 , infinity .
18 These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers .
19 The latter could be related to the impairment , by NSAID , of the gastric nucus layer , which is considered the natural habitat of H pylori organisms .
20 By expanding the logarithmic term and assuming that in dilute solutions this can be restricted to the first expansion term , ln a 1 can be related to the mole fraction of the solute x 2 .
21 The underlying concept is that pairs of sentences that have constituents in common can be related to each other by a linguistic transformation .
22 ‘ And you do n't think that can be related to his murder ? ’
23 Two aspects bear examination , and both can be related to the SAAB case outlined earlier .
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