Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] be sent [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of his pupillage in 1872 he was sent to the United States to study developments in railways and steel-making , and on his return became assistant manager of the steelworks at Crewe .
2 William remained close to Edward II after his accession , being retained as part of the king 's household ; and in 1310–11 he was sent to Gascony as one of English commissioners at the process of Perigueux .
3 In 1879 he was sent to England to oversee the European side of the business , and settled in Cheshire within easy reach of the textile mills of Lancashire where he placed a lot of business .
4 But as a small child she was so inspired by anything to do with the theatre that at six she was sent to the Barbara Speake stage school in Acton , west London .
5 After his father died in 1859 he was sent to a Huguenot school in Friedrichsdorf .
6 In 1952 I was sent to a local convent school until I was eleven , although my adoptive parents were Protestants .
7 And then I shall make absolutely sure you are sent to a reformatory for delinquent girls for the minimum of forty years ! ’
8 At the age of fourteen he was sent as a private pupil to the Revd Alfred North , who ran a small school for dissenters in Oundle , and he spent two years pursuing classical studies there .
9 In March 1916 he was sent to the front line in France .
10 Rapid promotion to counsellor followed , and in 1958 he was sent to Malta as adviser on press and public relations to the Governor , who had had trouble with Mintoff .
11 From the early days he seems to have become involved in trade-union activities , and for his part in the Manchester strike of 1818 he was sent to prison for two years in 1819 .
12 In 1820 he was sent to Fort Augustus , where the locks of the Caledonian canal were under construction , and , as his father was well known to everyone there , he was given the opportunity of learning not only masonry but all the branches of civil and mechanical engineering that were being practised at that time .
13 In 1608 he was sent to France , but brought home to marry Catharine , daughter of Thomas Howard , first Earl of Suffolk [ q.v. ] , on 1 December that same year .
14 Someone was to hold up the traffic , another to get the guards , but first someone was sent down the side lane towards St Vincent 's Hospital to alert casualty and summon help .
15 As early as 1551 she was sent to the Princess Elizabeth ‘ to drawe owt her picture ’ .
16 Murdock worked at Soho for a short time and then in about 1779 he was sent to Cornwall as the firm 's chief mechanic and agent in all technical matters .
17 At the age of 8 he was sent to the private school for the deaf at Rugby run by Mr. Bingham , formerly headmaster of the West of England Institution at Exeter .
18 Initially Cornford was taught as a day boy in Cambridge , but when he was nine he was sent as a boarder to Copthorne Preparatory School in Sussex .
19 Any which are sent to er , which of course would be the only way in which I could be contacted ,
20 In March 1485 he was sent to Portugal to pursue negotiations for a bride for the recently widowed king , and he was thus out of England when Richard III was killed at Bosworth .
21 In 1827 he was sent to Malta but because of his declining health , he returned to England in 1829 .
22 On the death of his father in 1733 he was sent to Durham , to be educated within the sphere of influence of the family .
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