Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] eye [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Ordinary pea gravel or spar chippings are easier on the eye and the pocket .
2 The best pure linen , which will always looks good , is going to be expensive , but new linen mixes are much easier on the eye and the pocket .
3 There is no difficulty in explaining how a structure such as an eye or a feather contributes to survival and reproduction ; the difficulty is in thinking of a series of steps by which it could have arisen .
4 So we can put some limits on the project : the chairs must be upholstered ; modern in the simplicity of their lines but not ‘ Cubist ’ for want of a better term ; easy on the eye and bottom ; they should fit in with other existing furniture ; and naturally should be of strong construction so that they will be heirloom quality .
5 The large living-cum-dining room is mostly in earthy natural shades — they 're easy on the eye and a perfect setting for the colourful rug and furniture which the Coles bought to remind them of their travels
6 The layout and print is easy on the eye and the revision passages for dictation becomes increasingly difficult as the book progresses .
7 What was visible to the eye or to the sensor , however , was a path which had come into existence long after the Simonova had vanished along its trajectory .
8 Nevertheless ecology has started with that which is obvious to the eye and is increasingly concerned with what is not .
9 total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in one or both eyes rendering the Insured person absolutely blind in the eye or eyes beyond remedy by surgical or other treatment
10 It is tempting to try to cram as much information as possible on to the page , a solid mass of print is unattractive to the eye and is unlikely to be read .
11 Gentle pastels such as this light green , or a soft light pink or blue , are much kinder to the eye and do n't detract from the overall design .
12 The Cruz Twinkick concave [ as it 's known ] is a complex concave , and it 's not just ‘ concave ’ in profile , a very slight rise running through the length of the deck is invisible to the eye but you can feel a more comfortable footlock when you stand on it .
13 Seen from the outside , the Abbey is in Emma 's eyes : ‘ a sweet view — sweet to the eye and the mind , English verdure , English culture , English comfort . ’
14 Pupils with defective sight are especially in need of the opportunity to look at objects at close range , holding them near to the eye and having time to gaze .
15 The generous buffet is both pleasing to the eye and the taste buds , with free wine to get you in the mood for an evening of entertainment .
16 How much more pleasing to the eye and the higher senses were the gleaming unbroached jars in the pantry , and how I suddenly hated the men who had assured me that in their attentions lay my fulfilment .
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