Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] whether it [be] " in BNC.

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1 The further question which feminism raises — to an extent to which , I would contend , this has not been raised before — is that of whether it is moral .
2 First , theory needs to be explicit about whether it is dealing with symmetrical or asymmetrical , reversible or irreversible relationships .
3 The longer one debates a trivial matter such as whether it is right to put up with the notorious rudeness of the only fishmonger in town or to fight back , the deeper one is enmeshed in an ever-expanding web of implication .
4 The quality of the user interface , such as whether it is windows based , is normally a feature of the related text information management package .
5 My spontaneous recoil from awareness of others ' troubles ( or of future danger to myself ) is no less or more natural than my impulse to sympathy or cruelty ( or to avoid or irrationally court danger ) when I do become aware ; it is as pointless to ask whether human nature is selfish or unselfish as whether it is improvident or far-sighted .
6 No suggestion was made during the argument that the landlord 's position could be different depending upon whether it was the original landlord or , as here , a successor in title to the reversion .
7 Corporate crime is crime irrespective of whether it is only punishable by an administrative body , or whether it merely violates individuals ' civil rights .
8 Whatever the difficulties involved in applying Halliday 's model of thematic analysis to a given language , and irrespective of whether it is possible to reproduce the thematic patterning of the source text on a given occasion , one thing is certain : translators must not underestimate the cumulative effect of thematic choices on the way we interpret text .
9 In consequence , the basis tends to zero , irrespective of whether it is positive or negative .
10 Hence public debt , irrespective of whether it is domestic or foreign owned , involves a cost-influencing choice : at the time the decision is made ‘ forgone opportunities are experienced ’ ( p. 182 ) , but this has ‘ no connection with the fact that resources are used up in the initial period ’ ( p. 182 ) .
11 This can lie done irrespective of whether it was the victim who brought the prosecution .
12 The Sheriff was of the opinion that the pursuers ' right to damages arose at once upon the default of the defenders , as every breach gave rise to a claim of damages irrespective of whether it was a breach sufficiently material to justify rescission .
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