Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] workers ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The 30 May Workers ' Liberation Front ( Frente Obreroi Liberashon 30 di meis — FOL ) , also a coalition member , won three seats ( one in 1985 ) .
2 The other coalition members are the Frente Obreroi Liberashon 30 di meis ( FOL — 30 May Workers ' Liberation Front ) ; the Union Patriotico Bonairiano ( UBP — Bonaire Patriotic Union , L. R. Ellis l. ) ; the Windward Islands People 's Movement ( WIPM , Will Johnston l. ) ; and the Democratic Party of St Eustatius ( DP-SE , Kenneth van Putten l . ) .
3 LABOUR 'S policy review was a symbol of the party renewing itself and becoming again a force for change , Tom Sawyer , deputy general secretary of Nupe , the public sector workers ' union , said at the start of four days of debate on the review reports .
4 Public sector workers ' pay will be frozen in the Autumn Statement on Thursday .
5 In such cases workers ' resistance may be defensive and more obviously oppositional .
6 For the foreseeable future , however , the inherent weaknesses of unionization in agriculture seem likely to continue to haunt the N U A A W. The falling number of agricultural workers , the urban influences that are spreading across tracts of once ‘ truly rural ’ countryside and the changing nature of the farm worker 's skills may conspire in any case to lead to a reappraisal of the need for a separate farm workers ' union .
7 Legal and economic context in which this takes place and of the impact of these changes on the scientific community as a whole and on the individual laboratory workers ' culture and practice .
8 Cotter seems to have enjoyed a fitfully co-operative relationship with Wilson until 1921 , when the NSFU seceded from the National Transport Workers ' Federation .
9 On his return he made common cause with Ben Tillett and others to establish a National Transport Workers ' Federation which had its first conference on 1 June 1911 .
10 Some seven days before the due date a decision was taken by the National Transport Workers ' Federation not to take part .
11 Faced by such determination and by the solidarity shown by workers in the ports of the entire kingdom , the National Transport Workers ' Federation sloughed off its doubts at a conference on 28 June and swung in behind Wilson and Cotter .
12 The call went out from a meeting of the National Transport Workers ' Federation Executive on 10 June , Edmund Cathery , in Wilson 's continued absence , declaring that his union would not be bound by it .
13 In 1974 military engineers stood by to operate power stations in Northern Ireland during the protest strike by the Protestant Ulster Workers ' Council , though they could have done nothing without the help of at least the power station managers .
14 For example , in May 1974 the Protestant Ulster Workers ' Council called a successful strike in protest at the Sunningdale proposals for power-sharing between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland .
15 At any rate , it would be an exaggeration to speak of a collapse of militancy , or to infer that over the long term workers ' resistance can not be maintained .
16 On 28 September 1911 Hermann Jochade , secretary of the International Transport Workers ' Federation in a letter to its secretary Arthur Cannon expressed his surprise at the branch 's actions , and noted " I have myself investigated the workings of the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , as I have done with other unions connected with the International Transport Workers ' Federation in Great Britain , and have pleasure in stating and testifying that the Seamen 's Union is one of the best organised and conducted of all unions I have made enquiries into .
17 On 28 September 1911 Hermann Jochade , secretary of the International Transport Workers ' Federation in a letter to its secretary Arthur Cannon expressed his surprise at the branch 's actions , and noted " I have myself investigated the workings of the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , as I have done with other unions connected with the International Transport Workers ' Federation in Great Britain , and have pleasure in stating and testifying that the Seamen 's Union is one of the best organised and conducted of all unions I have made enquiries into .
18 The International Transport Workers ' Federation
19 It was this challenge which seems to have led him in 1896 to call a meeting in Bride Street , London , of a few carefully chosen colleagues which resulted in the establishment of the International Federation of Ship , Dock and River Workers which was renamed in 1898 the International Transport Workers ' Federation .
20 Wilson had for some time claimed to the International Transport Workers ' Federation that the Shipping Federation would crumble if the fight could be carried to every port at one and the same time .
21 It was small wonder that anti-war and pacifist groups flourished in the labour movement of the time , though rarely among seamen and , it seems , hardly at all among their leaders , though initially " hating the Hun " was far from easy , for German seamen had long been colleagues and comrades , not only aboard ship , but also in organisations affiliated to the International Transport Workers ' Federation .
22 The International Transport Workers ' Federation blacked a ship in an attempt to force its owners to pay wages in accordance with the Federation 's scales .
23 v. Laughton the International Transport Workers ' Federation ( 1 .
24 Despite government denials , the use of troops to end forcibly a 42-day banana workers ' strike was taken as evidence of its strong anti-labour stance [ see p. 37649 ] .
25 Representatives of the United Mine Workers ' Union ( UMW ) reached an agreement on Jan. 1 with the Pittston Coal Company to end a nine-month strike by more than 2,000 miners .
26 The United Mine Workers ' Union ( UMW ) announced on Feb. 20 that 2,000 striking miners in Virginia , West Virginia and Kentucky had voted to accept a settlement negotiated on Jan. 1 between union officials and the Pittston Coal Company [ see p. 37180 ] .
27 They heard Jack Jones , the former transport workers ' union leader , condemn British pensions as the worst in Europe and denounce means-testing for pensioners .
28 Chapters 2–4 concern workers ' trade unions , employers and managements as well as collective bargaining — in most western countries the most important mechanism for determining wages and employment conditions .
29 It was formed in 1913 out of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants , together with the General Railway Workers ' Union and the United Pointsmen 's and Signalmen 's Society ( Bagwell 1963 ) .
30 Instead he concentrated on the unofficial Ford Workers ' Combine , which bypassed the official union structure dominated by the Transport and General Workers ' Union .
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