Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] have yet [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The far-reaching social impacts of Britain 's prolonged economic recession have yet to be studied in detail by social scientists .
2 Lever treats ad budgets and strategies as confidential information and she says below-the-line plans have yet to be formulated .
3 The complete programme has yet to be finalised but if you wish for more information please contact the Medau Office Epsom 29056 or send S.A.E.
4 The second one will be in the West Midlands under the direction of Hilary Weedon and Jean Parmiter although the venue for this course has yet to be finalised .
5 Current proposals for further action have yet to be implemented , including that made by John Major ( as chancellor of the exchequer ) at last September 's Commonwealth meeting of finance ministers .
6 Dogs , of course , have done their street work and further matters have yet to be overcome !
7 Unfortunately , the second strand to the Report that a Lending and Security Act be implemented to regulate commercial transactions has yet to be successful .
8 Secondly , the unknown effects of passive smoking on the non-smoking population has yet to be fully realised .
9 The potential role of young women in this process has yet to be fully explored .
10 This was pretty certainly an exaggeration , but it shows unmistakably that the Black Country ( though this name had yet to be invented ) was in process of creation .
11 This lead to the proposition that it was the work of Clodius Albinus , in putting the Province in a state of defence , while he took most of the troops to Gaul in his unsuccessful bid for the purple , and this theory has yet to be seriously challenged .
12 The present and future impact of unemployment on the well-being of old people has yet to be assessed and indeed may be most strongly felt in the next decade or two .
13 The existence of this mechanism has yet to be convincingly demonstrated , however [ Brown , 1981 ] .
14 The details of this transaction have yet to be agreed with holders of minority interests .
15 Our latest Foreign Secretary has yet to publicly pick up the file marked Hong Kong .
16 This mystery has yet to be solved , although two quite separate sets of theories seem to indicate that indeed there are successive Big Bangs .
17 Whether video-on-demand can be classified in this way has yet to be established .
18 The tremendous disadvantage is , however , that when the drugs are stopped , the amount of weight regained is almost exactly equal to that lost , and long-term loss from short-term use of appetite-suppressant drugs has yet to be demonstrated .
19 Though there is much evidence to indicate its increasing popularity as a news medium , radio 's impact on the popular press has yet to be taken into account when examining this period .
20 Although the existence of such a state might have important legal implications in cases where accidents take place , as Horne ( 1992 ) argues , such states have yet to be adequately differentiated from simple sleepiness .
21 The main problem with both petrol and diesel exhausts is the remains of unburnt fuel droplets which were not completely used up in the combustion process.Even after 100 years of internal combustion , the perfect engine has yet to be built .
22 Likewise , oxygen-rich compounds at the surface probably control the oxygen abundance in the lower atmosphere , though such oxygen has yet to be detected .
23 has agreed to become our full-time NDO and will be working from the Office several days a week — the actual days have yet to be decided .
24 The full value of such workshops has yet to be confirmed but there is no doubt that they represent a valuable communication tool .
25 A financial plan for the entire project has yet to be worked out .
26 The landscape of feeling that this measured upbringing inculcated in countless children has yet to be surveyed ; we should start , perhaps , with the burden of being good , and the painful watchful attention towards the needs of others rather than oneself .
27 Full official results had yet to be released .
28 The information provided on the fourth of these programmes is shown in figure 3.3 Similar approaches have yet to be adopted in Britain .
29 Although his plans for political and economic reform had yet to be clarified , supporters of Ben Bella believed that he was the only politician capable of ending the social polarization caused by FLN economic policies and the growing appeal of Islamic fundamentalism , as demonstrated in June municipal elections [ see pp. 37549-50 ] .
30 Alternatively there are several chemical additives on the market which aim to provide a substitute for lead , although the case for these products has yet to be proved .
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