Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] it impossible " in BNC.

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1 The glitter in his hooded eyes made it impossible for her to hazard even the wildest guess at what he was thinking .
2 The vicious personal attack on him by Ernets Bevin and his humiliating defeat made it impossible for him to remain as leader .
3 This split made it impossible to unite a broad democratic majority and left the republic divided almost from the start of the regime .
4 But British administration made it impossible to charge someone openly with killing another by witchcraft .
5 His nationalisation and fury at British exploitation made it impossible for him to compromise even if it was clear that this policies were self-destructive .
6 ONCE again baseless charges of lewdness and indecency in this column make it impossible for me to report the following headline in the newsletter of Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries : ‘ What 's Five Inches Long — and Worth £200 ? ’
7 Where bone from burials had been retained , the frequent lack of adequate documentation made it impossible to associate definitively one particular skeleton with a given Beaker pot .
8 This procedure made it impossible to discuss the government 's income and expenditure in relation to one another , as any firm or household would do .
9 In fact the broken ground made it impossible for the English knights to manoeuvre easily .
10 Some people find it impossible to sleep a wink on a long night journey in a train .
11 Sleep is commonly disturbed in one way or another : some people nod off as soon as they get home and sit down ; they wake up at midnight with the TV still on — and then ca n't get back to sleep again till 3am ; some people find it impossible to wake up in the morning and getting out of bed is a real struggle ; others are awake at half-past four in the morning with their brains buzzing and churning ; some people find themselves getting very sleepy when difficult or anxiety-making things happen .
12 Very few people find it impossible to get to Flowers East .
13 What he says here it says , There are an investment project , Miss Whittaker , whose size , composition , economic significance and locational requirements make it impossible to locate on an ordinary site , so that 's one one issue , and then he says , Of regional significance or more often national or international significance .
14 A combination of the sun on the windscreen and the tinted glass made it impossible .
15 The ubiquity of the Jewish theme in his public addresses at this time makes it impossible to imagine that early converts to Nazism could fail to regard violent anti-Semitism as a leading feature of Hitler 's image .
16 Popular permissiveness was reflected in jury verdicts , and the repeal of obscenity laws in several European countries made it impossible for the authorities to police the incoming tide of eroticism .
17 As well as strengthening the role of governors , the 1986 Act made it impossible for political nominees to control governing bodies , as they often had in the past , while the 1988 Act transfers the management of most schools from local education authorities ( LEAs ) to the individual school .
18 That may be what he 'd like to say , but the single preferential vote makes it impossible .
19 The outbreak of war naturally marked the end of the collaboration of Picasso and Braque , but the unprecedented closeness of their artistic careers over the preceding years makes it impossible to separate completely the contribution made by each to Cubism during the most vital years of its development .
20 As has been mentioned , our limited resources made it impossible to examine the circumstances leading up to the arrest which might , or might not , explain this finding , and we were also unable to interview the police on this matter .
21 Early dusk makes it impossible to enjoy the garden during the week , except in the middle of summer .
22 Such inconsistencies make it impossible to cover a spherical surface using Cartesian coordinates .
23 His desire to be always in absolute control made it impossible for him to seek the medical and psychological help he needed and he had no close friends to persuade him .
24 Most difficult of all is the third problem , since the present manual system of serial control makes it impossible for up-to-date information about periodicals to be made available either in the Issue Hall or at other service points .
25 The resurgence of interest in cognitive processes makes it impossible to hold such a simple view any longer and nowadays most psychologists recognize that there are psychological processes , like verbal communication and the symbolic representation of future events , that can only reliably be demonstrated in other people .
26 Dumbly she shook her head , the threatened tears making it impossible for her to speak .
27 The two tests were explained in that case by the Lord Chancellor … who commented that not the law but our mode of life has changed over the years ; that what has changed is " the degree in which certain things have seemed susceptible of being put up as mere ornaments whereas at our earlier period the mere construction rendered it impossible sometimes to sever the thing which was put up from the realty . "
28 The differing quality aspects of these zones make it impossible to specify a particular style of wine for Hautvillers .
29 It was clear to me that , although Harold realised the total impropriety of the medical attitude , human nature made it impossible for him not to have a certain mild satisfaction .
30 The Americans found that the deepening Cold War made it impossible for them to give equal priority to all their objectives .
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