Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] will probably " in BNC.

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1 In this case you will probably join as temporary legal assistant with a view to establishment later .
2 When you have analysed a number of completed questionnaires you will probably discover that the most influential factor in introducing people to your church is the personal invitation of a friend .
3 Emma is always asking when we will go back , and our only worry now is that in a few years she will probably be waking us up at dawn on icy mornings , saying : ‘ Shall we go down the black run first ? ’
4 Over the course of a few weeks they will probably spend several hours in the bureau familiarising themselves with bureau practice before their formal selection interview .
5 In this event they will probably be distinguished as ‘ A ’ ‘ B ’ ‘ C ’ ( etc. ) ordinary shares .
6 ‘ You ca n't win em all , ’ they say , and this week you will probably have to admit defeat in one key area .
7 So if you plug in an old Strat it will probably sound more like a Strat should sound .
8 In this book you will probably have noticed that we use " you " quite often .
9 The Government are fond of asking where the money is coming from , but they are supporting a project which , according to old estimates which will probably have to be updated , will cost £1.4 billion .
10 This year there will probably be 50,000 personal-injury lawsuits , twice as many as in 1975 .
11 There 's nothing worse to come but just a different perspective which will probably put this whole thing into a new light . ’
12 With such thoughtfulness he will probably buy you a pint in the Rock at the end of the day ) .
13 GARDEN CENTRES Okay for plants and fertiliser , but if you go to such places you will probably be served by a weekend youngster on slave wages , who would n't know a Koi from a goldfish .
14 For such techniques we will probably need to discover a number of algebraic laws involving WHILE .
15 In heavier air you will probably want to keep the boat square and play the waves .
16 If you pour boiling water on ordinary glass it will probably crack .
17 However , even in these cases it will probably not be necessary to establish the market value immediately .
18 In the largest agencies there will probably be a small management group , drawn from among the 20 or more directors , which has the task of managing the agency , in the orthodox sense of management .
19 But once familiar with partial knitting you will probably find it very helpful to be able to partially knit along the top edge to produce a slope at each side leaving the centre stitches for the neck edge .
20 When you are visiting an elderly parent you will probably notice that there are times when they do not feel particularly like either talking or listening .
21 The enemy has a chance to out-fly you , and if he has a better machine he will probably kill you .
22 This is very important because once you start to perceive yourself in negative terms you will probably start to act in a negative way , being quarrelsome and finally looking to food for comfort .
23 No , but have n't they had to call their client files , client master job files and if you get an enquiry from an existing client they will probably want to put that enquiry back in that folder .
24 The disciplinary control exercised by these groups is usually powerful , for if any member breaks away and acts contrary to the decisions of the group on any important issue he will probably lose the support of his party at the next election .
25 A very important advance has been highly purified insulin , and more recently we have had human insulin from recombinant DNA which will probably become the major source of the world 's insulin in the future .
26 Because if we actually can address th those real concerns , you know , you know the point that brother just made about why should he leave you to join unison try and crystallize that out in a Northumberland way , if that 's possible , it may not be , it may be difficult on , on a short punchy A five leaflet it will probably service because I mean it c it can be photocopied , there 's nothing wonderful , I mean it does n't have to be sort of the most wonderful printing techniques and giving them desktop publishing .
27 Where a party is unable to obtain a written statement from an intended witness it will probably be necessary to apply to the Court for directions .
28 In any event it will probably be relevant in most cases for the Industrial Tribunal to ask itself whether there has been any substantial fault on the part of the employee or his adviser which has led to the failure to comply with the statutory time limit
29 There are several people who will probably need to help you with various parts of the work from the very beginning to completion ; Environmental Health Officers , Builders , Architects or Surveyors , Building Control Officers and Occupational Therapists .
30 In the same way , when a teacher adjusts you into an upright position you will probably feel as though you are about to fall over in a forwards direction .
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