Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] a [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 A recent study by Professor Pat Carlen shows that of 39 female adult criminals , 22 spent a substantial period of their childhood and adolescence in care .
2 Some required a brief period — at most several days — of off-the.job training .
3 Juan José Arévalo Bermejo , who as President in 1945-1951 initiated a brief period of democracy and social reform , died in October aged 86 .
4 Owners of ‘ dangerous ’ breeds are likely to have a three-month period — until the end of November — to obtain a police permit for their animals .
5 In addition , it is normal to put a maximum period during which claims can be made — usually six or seven years for taxation , since that is the normal limitation period , and two to three years for other warranties ; but this obviously needs to be looked at in each case in the light of particular facts , warranties , assets and liabilities .
6 For comparison , Hand 91 used a nine-year period , with four years on either side of the thesis year .
7 These Rhodes lay like clockwork , though of course they all have a poor period , a sort of resting period .
8 If it can be , and if by so doing , the patient would be able to enjoy a further period of life without increased discomfort , then the cure or palliative measure should be adopted .
9 Senators who entertained thoughts of becoming effective members were obliged to serve a lengthy period of apprenticeship ; they had to be dedicated to their work as senators ; they were also expected to specialize and , in turn , to respect the specialization of others .
10 But the best news is Venus alights in your sign on the 13th marking a four-week period when your personal and romantic life flourishes .
11 After the traumas of war , revolution and civil war he thought that it was necessary to have a prolonged period of social and political peace which would provide the correct climate for the economic growth that all desired .
12 It seems natural to assume that as in the twenty-first century more people live to be very old , more of them will necessarily make heavier demands on health and social services ; that people who die in their nineties experience a longer period of dependency and illness before death than those who die in their seventies .
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