Example sentences of "[verb] increased [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Contracting out by local authorities has increased under the Conservative government — partly voluntarily and partly as a response to changes in the law requiring them to do so for certain activities .
2 Erm looking at the employ sorry looking at the output side er the question looking at trends and output over the last four months shows that in all the four regions manufacturers say that output has increased over the preceding four months .
3 Feedback on how effective you are and how your effectiveness has increased over the two days .
4 A study of Holocene sediment off the north-eastern coast of England has shown that heavy-metal pollution between 15 and 20 kilometres offshore has increased over the last 500 years .
5 The optimistic reading is that we have been successful , in that the number of men convicted of rape has increased over the last decade by 39 per cent in the case of rape , 2 per cent in the case of sexual assault , and 55 per cent in the case of incest .
6 Unlike most manufactured goods , however , the real price of most services has increased over the last few decades .
7 When you know what we should be saying to John Major and employers is that it is n't any surprise that er disablement er has increased over the last thirteen , fourteen years .
8 For wheat , er total world , world trade has increased over the last thirty years , from er , it 's there somewhere , er , from about sixty , from forty one thousand three hundred and seventy seven thousand metric tonnes to er to about eighty four thousand four hundred and four thousand metric tonnes
9 " The level of abstraction and consumption has increased over the last century by hundreds of times , and perhaps in some cases by thousands .
10 One wonders whether Mrs Newman will be able to continue the standard now that her workload has increased with the recent firing of head of the department Anton Gabszewicz .
11 As measured by examination performance , educational achievement in secondary schools in the United Kingdom has increased during the 1970s and 1980s ( especially in the 1970s ) .
12 The percentage of young people staying on in full-time education after the legal minimum leaving age has increased during the last decade , as Figure 12.1 shows .
13 Among the children of a Woolwich school evacuated to somewhere in Kent the average weight of the boys has increased during the last month by 2½ lb. and of girls by 3½ lb .
14 Recent evidence does indeed suggest that total factor productivity has increased during the 1980s .
15 As the standard of living has increased in the developed world it has brought with it a higher disposable income and increased leisure time .
16 Interest has increased in the late 1980s as the Superpowers have taken advantage of a period of detente to consider the viability of smaller defence establishments .
17 The latest CBI/NatWest Innovation Trends Survey shows that after two years of decline , expenditure in support of innovation has increased in the last two years .
18 A survey has shown that pocket money has increased in the past year by almost double the rate of inflation .
19 Thus although poverty among lone mothers has increased in the 1980s , as a group they have long been vulnerable to poverty .
20 This latter has increased throughout the twentieth century ; it is not an end-of-century phenomenon .
21 However , I advise the hon. Gentleman that crime has increased throughout the western world during the past half century .
22 Despite these efforts , erosion losses remain excessive and may have increased during the 1970s [ and this trend ] may continue indefinitely into the future . ’
23 Despite the new marriage codes , common-law partnerships also remained popular — and may even have increased in the nineteenth century .
24 If that is the case , the percentage of abnormalities should have increased in the reduced number who were referred .
25 In this deformation all quantities dX become increased by the same factor — -1 ) .
26 The head of Nicaraguan Army intelligence , Maj. Ricardo Wheelock , replied on Sept. 13 that military attacks from Honduran territory had increased over the past two weeks .
27 Fuel and Energy Miniser Yury Shafranik said that the waste of energy resources had increased over the past two years and that energy use had remained stable , despite falling production .
28 By contrast , palaeontology had increased over the same periods , from 14 to 25 , not quite doubling .
29 Fears of communism had deep roots in the past ( p.6 ) and they had increased as the Cold War developed after 1945 .
30 While many restrictive practices and problems remained , trade had increased within the heavy industries of the Six .
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