Example sentences of "[verb] none the [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The number of applications for judicial review has none the less increased significantly over the past decade .
2 The first of these is the promise of resource-based learning ( RBL ) , which , though unfulfilled in the majority of the curriculum in most schools , has none the less had some influence on the pattern of work .
3 Sensible and necessary price increases none the less attracted a predictably irresponsible press reaction , with Conservative newspapers bearing anti-nationalisation headlines such as ‘ You own the electricity industry — AND UP GO THE PRICES ’ .
4 In all cases discussed here ( except one ) the testator had none the less made a juridical intention quite clear .
5 Though generally critical of his own era , Byng none the less extended qualified sympathy to developments which served ends he valued ; to Methodism , inasmuch as it instilled ‘ wholesome morals ’ , and to spreading industry , inasmuch as it provided employment , though he worried that , like religion , which had ‘ overstretch 'd her power … and was blown up … the cotton trade … may crack ! ’
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