Example sentences of "[verb] told [pron] it be " in BNC.

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1 From all that he has told me it was a terrible experience , but he has now set up his Foundation to help other sufferers , and this is a great joy to him .
2 Though in her anger she 'd told him it was no more than he deserved , in reality she considered it a rather low thing to have done .
3 Because I 'd told her it was funny this doctor never even touched her before he sent her in there .
4 ‘ You did n't believe me when I said I had n't distracted Simon and you would n't have believed me if I 'd told you it was your child I might be carrying , ’ she replied , her voice shaking a little despite all her efforts to project a calm image .
5 ‘ If I 'd told you it was dinner you would have made an excuse . ’
6 No doubt I ought to have told you it was a trick , but he had made the plan to stop you going to his flat .
7 Perhaps someone had told him it was she who 'd informed the assassin Zambia was here .
8 An aide had told him it was just one of Benin 's little idiosyncrasies .
9 He went through his whole performance second by second , from the moment Westerman had introduced him and he had waved at the camera , to the moment Westerman had summed up , and he had told him it was absolutely fascinating .
10 The Benefits Agency had told him it was taking action to identify the loans concerned and transfer them back into the system .
11 Mr Singh told me that one of his brothers-in-law had told them it was a school for mentally handicapped .
12 Perhaps not as bad as Buff , because the animal had only been there for a second or two and I had told them it was a robot .
13 ‘ If you remember , you had told me it was over and I was … persuading you that it was n't , ’ he reminded her unwillingly .
14 Nobody had told her it was to happen ; she had thought she was being brought here to be examined , and then the dentist had put a rubber mask over her face .
15 When she first developed her symptoms the doctors had told her it was ‘ neuritis ’ , and she discovered the diagnosis herself by picking up a magazine article in a cafe .
16 She remembered that Ana had told her it was deep right to the edge and she prayed that it was .
17 Anne had told us it was in Cork Street , Roseau , and had been converted into a sleazy guest-house .
18 well I , I think I 'll take agree Mr you know much more about these matters than I do , I just , my eye just lit upon that one I thought that would perhaps the one in which the insurance directive could be said to be attached , but if you 've told me it 's C I 'm perfectly happy to accept it as being C.
19 I 've told you it was an accident ! ’
20 From what thoo 's told me it was not his fault .
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