Example sentences of "[verb] na be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cos Jane does n't wan na be on the .
2 You know , I thought of being that once but I would n't mind it in the wards , but I would n't wan na be in the operating theatre .
3 And also I think , which is very strong and I think it does come out in , in the Chinese Communist Party , is the lust of power which can be even more dangerous when you convince yourself I 'll do all you lot good but I can make you all members of the Communist Party , whether you want to be or not does n't really matter , you know , it 's gon na be for the good of the country so you fall in with this trap of assuming that you want is for their good so it 's sort of a , a dangerous thing .
4 Yeah right as I 'm gon na be for the time
5 When they do a tour , we 're gon na be on the guest list .
6 You 're gon na be on the road , the number of miles you do is obviously going to put you at risk , more than somebody who does a third of your miles .
7 Well I sent it to the B B C , I sent it to Duncan but I also sent it to the the Lady a shorter version to the Lady their competition and I said their competition was gon na be on the eighteenth in their issue they would give the names of the of the winners , but I had looked in the Lady yesterday in Smiths and there was none of nothing about it , but I do n't think I 've won anyway because it said you 'd be notified by post so .
8 well not exactly g gon na be on the defensive because it 's , I do n't , it 's , it 's , it 's no less , it 's no less genuine , you know it 's , it 's part , it 's , it 's , it 's a view that they can express in different circumstances ,
9 Yeah I do n't wan na take a bottle of sherry round , the school will think I 'm gon na be on the booze all afternoon do wo n't they !
10 when the order placed to the , when it 's gon na be on the rack and ready .
11 Yeah , all gon na be on the fifteenth
12 Well , er , it 's all according to whether they can afford it in the first instance , secondly , is it gon na be across the board ?
13 Well he 's as sure as hell gon na be round the old people 's homes !
14 We will in actual fact make a profit in the second year erm although that 's gon na be against the fi first year loss .
15 whether or not we 're gon na be in the same situation on erm
16 That 's gon na be in the individual master job file .
17 So Bob 's gon na be in the in trouble .
18 It 's gon na be in the year two thousand they 're gon na wipe it out .
19 It 's gon na be in the next Olympics .
20 Are all gon na be in the next Olympics .
21 Yeah but the thing is , it 's something that we 've got to think for life really , or we 're just gon na be in the same situation in a couple of years that we wan na something a bit bigger .
22 Well that 's gon na be in the church then , that
23 So basically I reckon they 're gon na be in the shit .
24 Yeah , a little , but you I better get one actually cos it 's gon na be in the main kitchen in the school see .
25 I 'm sure John is gon na tell you he 's gon na be in the paper about all these people who 's gold top milk is missing , have you heard about that ?
26 All this is gon na be in the teenage on the revenge of the young knuckles this is , this is true this story .
27 it 's one of those curtains they 're gon na be behind the
28 But I mean , this is gon na be like the family room so , I mean , it is gon na get knocked about a bit !
29 Er the in the aeroplane , you wan na be in the middle , if you can get in the middle you 're
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