Example sentences of "[verb] na be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't wan na be hanging around Belfast do you ?
2 No we do n't wan na be looking at
3 Well I can and I do n't wan na be deafened by it .
4 I did n't just wan na be put in a chair , given some lyrics to read and say ‘ that 's it . ’
5 I mean , especially at my age , I do n't wan na be running round the streets doing all this monkey business and getting into trouble with the police and all that , y'know .
6 No I mean that 's gon na that , that that gene 's gon na is gon na
7 Well we 're gon na be expanding into next door erm
8 Everyone 's just gon na be laying on the floor going God I 'm arsed !
9 Pauly Shore , meanwhile , with a bunch of future film projects , a talk show , a rock album ( ‘ My album 's gon na be called after me .
10 If you 've got the right name , if you 've a a number of or something coming in to for a part and of of them you 've seen on television and done a lot equally or as good or better , but you 're gon na be go for that one probably .
11 I 'm going back to the erm controversial emotive subject of atomic power I suppose , as you said earlier , the the atomic bomb and erm I suppose the most worrying thing for er for everybody was when erm the Cuba crisis was on and everybody was just waiting for these mushrooms to appear over London because we all thought we were gon na be bombed at any time but er obviously the other thing that sort of worries people is other things that you said about Chernobyl and Three Mile Island but on the other side , obviously the erm the low cost of atomic power must be the advantage for the future .
12 Yeah but a lo a lot of quotes gon na be made to them after are n't there ?
13 Well , some of the racecourse gon na be made like that and it cost a fortune , mind ya .
14 Yeah and Mike 's seen him like that and mum went round the ward and she made all the beds to help them and all , we had to bribe them to look after him , but was he looked after in the end , on Saturday I said look , I said do n't fucking come over here and tell me my dad 's gon na be turned in a minute I said because a minute is a minute , I said but when you come over here three and a half hours later to my dad that 's like three years , he 's in excruciating agony , he wants to turn him when you tell him you 're gon na turn him
15 sort of , to put it , I 'm gon na be is that as from tomorrow we will have identified what erm desking and so on will be moved during the reorganization erm , and obviously any of the desking that is n't gon na be moved until the organization , we 'll be tidying up the cables .
16 Obviously , it 's something that 's gon na develop , and er , as times does on , more and more issues are gon na be referred to this committee .
17 Er , sorry , just to follow up on B Sky B again , are you gon na be accruing for any arrears in the interest er , in the second half , as well as the ongoing amount ?
18 He 's gon na be kicked in a minute .
19 So all this is gon na be analyzed by them then ?
20 How is a presentation such as that gon na be received by our clients ?
21 Cos I would n't lo I mean I actually do n't think you can do , if you 're gon na do people are gon na eat I th I think you 're gon na be pushed at more than about hundred and fifty to two hundred .
22 Er he said what was gon na be cooked for tea , he said when there was a cup of tea made .
23 Those are gon na be redirected in here erm as well but it turns out that erm those two types roughly equate to forty out of two thousand which is half a , half a percent ?
24 Now if you 're gon na be writing in software you do n't actually look at it like that maybe and it is also a useful way to generalize these decoders .
25 Sort of three pounds for a couple of little , little pairs of knickers and that and that 's a lot when you think they when she first starts she 's gon na be getting through seven or eight pairs a day .
26 But shall , we 've been thinking we started last week and we 're gon na be thinking over the next few weeks , er some of the people that Jesus met , some of those who confronted him who 's lives came into contact with Jesus Christ and what difference it made to them ?
27 we 're gon na be thinking about it beforehand , so , we can scrap that .
28 Er , and a completely separate question now , entertainment er , could you just tell us a bit more about what 's happening at Alton Towers and also how you think it 's gon na be affected by EuroDisney ?
29 As I say it 's one of these er competitive market things , but if you go into an electrical shop and you buy a piece of electrical equipment , or if you want er a plug for it , a piece of electrical equipment because you found out that the plug on the electrical equipment at home is defective , it 's got cracked porcelain or something like , then please have a word with the person who is selling you the plug and say look , this plug is gon na be fitted on X appliance .
30 And then you 're gon na be faced with , with two people at the moment , erm that do the running around on the outside party
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