Example sentences of "[verb] due [prep] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In the first place this tax was not , in my view , paid pursuant to a contract that if the money was held not to have been payable it would then fall due to be repaid , thus excluding any right to interest before Nolan J. 's decision .
2 The delegation had been due to meet South Korean dissidents to discuss their possible attendance at a North Korean pro-unification rally due to be held at Panmunjom on Aug. 15 .
3 But last month he became worried as deals due to be completed failed to materialise and North Star sought to change the terms .
4 These are among the radical reforms likely to be recommended in the Sheehy report on rank and pay due to be published within the next few weeks alongside a government White Paper proposing changes in police financing and police authorities and the Royal Commission on criminal justice .
5 Even a toy bear due to be raffled for a Pounds 380,000 appeal to send Stuart to America for a liver-bowel swap was ruined .
6 Thirdly , there will be considerable cash flow implications for the purchaser , particularly if the creditors fall due to be paid before the debts are collected from the debtors .
7 But according to Andrea Bacchi and Desideria Cavina , the authors of ‘ Sembrare e Non Essere ’ ( ‘ It Seems So and Is n't ’ ) , a new book on art fakes due to be published this autumn by Longanesi of Milan , the venerated Guidarello sepulchral sculpture is more likely to be a product of the 1820s .
8 The Cricketer serves as a foretaste of things to come , with a full-scale exhibition of Roles ‘ work due to be mounted in the summer of 1991 in Bath .
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