Example sentences of "[verb] long period [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They can survive long periods of drought encased in mud , until the next rainy season .
2 Michael Herrtage , chief officer at Cambridge University Veterinary Hospital , said dogs could survive long periods without food if they had water .
3 It extends in places up to a metre or so above the level of the reef flat due to the fact that Porolithon can survive in the splash and spray zone and does not need long periods of immersion .
4 Moreover , it was those that were most likely to suffer long periods of unemployment and non-employment and for whom early retirement was a realistic option , i.e. those aged 60–64 , who were most likely to say that it would be very effective in dealing with unemployment : 46 per cent , compared with 34 per cent of the 55–59 age-group and 30 per cent of those under 30 .
5 By 1907 rheumatoid arthritis had almost crippled her and she suffered long periods of inactivity , but refused either to move to the comfort of Duke Town or to return to Britain .
6 I think that only by maximising long periods of REM , or dream sleep , will we be able to summon up this demon of yours .
7 If you have a deep relationship with a person you can spend long periods of silence , being together and not be embarrassed , not be wondering what shall I say now ?
8 Without ACET 's practical support at home they could spend long periods of time in hospital unnecessarily .
9 ‘ We enjoyed long periods of possession , but if you ca n't put the ball in the net that does n't count , ’ he added .
10 During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the Dalmatian cities changed hands many times , but despite these upheavals they enjoyed long periods of prosperity and their commerce and their arts flourished .
11 Despite all this external activity he spent long periods of time in his diocese , active in every facet of ecclesiastical administration , as is revealed by his register , the first to survive for the diocese of Winchester .
12 He trained as a painter in Vienna , spent long periods in Russia and France and became one of Hungary 's leading Romantic painters and illustrators .
13 After this he spent long periods in Madeira until his death in 1907 .
14 A greater number than would be expected have spent long periods in plaster casts because of bone injuries , or for correction of congenital malformations .
15 As the vast majority of patients are elderly and have spent long periods in hospital , it is unrealistic to expect them to live independently or improve dramatically on discharge .
16 Mrs Burnett seems to have taken marital and maternal duties lightly , and though she did not formally end the marriage until 1898 , from early days she made a practice of absenting herself from her family , often for months on end , travelling in North America and Europe , and spending long periods in England , where she moved in high society and had many literary friends , Henry James and Israel Zangwill [ qq.v. ] among them .
17 Gedge remembers long periods of silence each time Charman visited and begged to rejoin the group .
18 Do you do you remember ever ever having long periods of illness yourself ?
19 Spiders can go long periods between meals but can not do without moisture — becoming dehydrated very quickly .
20 Both Margaret Thatcher and James Callaghan , for instance , had worked their way up through the structure of party ; they had spent a lifetime in politics and had served long periods of apprenticeship , first as backbenchers and then as junior ministers , ministers and shadow cabinet members .
21 But Andy Barnes warns that while the insurers argue , innocent relatives are suffering financial hardship … some have had to move , other have taken long periods off work .
22 It was early in the season yet , and he probably had long periods of inactivity to fill up between visitors ; but he was not going to be left at leisure for long this time , for in the gravelled car park outside the enclosure a large bus was just disgorging a load of loud and active schoolboys , shepherded by a frantic youth hardly older than the eldest of his charges .
23 Some years later , when it was apparent that my daughter would not recover from her poliomyelitis , I felt that it would no longer be possible to continue serving in the Royal Navy , which entailed long periods of separation from my home .
24 Your aim should be to see that she does not suffer long periods of loneliness and that she feels so well cared for that she can manage to endure her period of sorrow without too many crutches , until life becomes worth living again .
25 Many people with AIDS have to spend long periods of time in hospital unless there is someone at home who can help and look after them .
26 He has shied away from too many tournaments and has escaped the pressures of London , including his 10-month-old daughter Kiveli to spend long periods with Grandmaster Lubosh Kavalek , his trainer , in Virginia .
27 Such positions usually require long periods of training which involve certain sacrifices such as loss of income .
28 The importance of symptom control in this context can not be ignored since few adults would be prepared to tolerate long periods of disability from hearing loss , otalgia , or otitis media .
29 This does not apply to those people who spend long periods of time in institutions which they are powerless to leave and with little or no freedom of choice … children 's homes , boarding schools , prisons , mental hospitals , homes for people with disabilities .
30 Creatures that have to hunt , stalk , and capture difficult prey , spend long periods in play .
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