Example sentences of "[verb] cos i [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 I do n't really know cos I have n't really experienced anything
2 Well , I do n't know cos I have n't been to any meetings for months , not
3 Now listen cos I do n't want to explain it more than once .
4 It just depends where we 're going cos I do n't know what we 're doing yet So I 'd and the woman 's coming round tonight so I 'll just , sort of , say to her if I can keep it over the weekend I can do a lot more so otherwise I 'll feel a bit bad
5 He come in , he 's fucking right as rain me come in oh I 'm feeling right got in , sat here for about half an hour quick mad dash , chucked at the fucking shit house murghhh ! the fucking well I wo n't be able to play cos I do n't
6 I never use append cos I do n't have any need for it .
7 Er I think we should also assume that the regional er budgetholders will not make a contribution to any costs we might incur cos I do n't think any budget they 'll have will be intended to cater for er you know , paying people 's wages for them getting unpaid time off .
8 Oh yes , they were all fed properly , looked after alright , but they all , they told me they were all pedigrees but I doubt cos I do n't know whether that 's the truth , but they reckon in Poland when things were bad , when they unload them , they 'd make some excuse that one of these pigs got out and run away and course they used to catch it er , somewhere they used to catch it and that was their fee then .
9 Yeah , we just had it 's what she 's eaten cos I have n't had not time to get it done !
10 I 've already told him I 'm gon na get my arse kicked cos I have n't for eight you see .
11 Well I could n't care cos I do n't like taping so I should n't !
12 I said no I would n't I said cos I do n't accept cheques .
13 Let's do London 's Burning cos I do n't know that .
14 I do n't , I du n no cos I do n't really know her , I do n't really know her and all this , I was gon na say something , but I do n't really know him , so I was gon na ask him does he fancy Sukey
15 Well there 's only Fred has them you see cos I do n't like them so I only buy medium size tins to start off with .
16 Is there a , is there a proper way to fold cos I have n't
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