Example sentences of "[verb] little time [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Examples of this reciprocal effect lie in the man who is engrossed in his work to the detriment of his married life or the woman who is so wrapped up in her children that she has little time for her husband .
2 Mr Houghton has come across protests , but has little time for their case or their tactics .
3 The aggressiveness and competitiveness of capitalism has little time for his Christian sensibilities .
4 Fourteen days would seem to be a more reasonable period though the landlord may be concerned that this could leave little time for it to make a considered response where the notice is subject to a time restriction .
5 Working full-time and their interests leave little time for my own ’ .
6 Not surprisingly Ace had little time for her except for her job as fuel technician as the run-up to the race started , but Kate had forgotten the media .
7 Fowler , who had little time for him , was mildly surprised at his erudition .
8 An addict of the pipe herself , she had little time for her son — the only one of three to survive — and left his rearing to her own mother .
9 School , especially for unskilled youths , was where you learnt that society had little time for you .
10 While engaged in this intensive study of a narrow range of the English language , the students had little time for anything else .
11 The one , that , even while giving her a verbal warning about her work , he had handed her a very important file to work on — albeit only to ensure she had little time for anything else — must mean that he had received good reports on her ability .
12 resulted in the controllers making … a puritan attack directed at the drug taking of the ( underground ) movement ; and since the drug-scene is complex and confused , and we have little time in which to develop a reliable folk-lore about drugs and how to take them ( as we have long ago done about alcohol ) , they have been particularly successful in fostering anxiety among teachers , parents and establishment figures .
13 Working mothers are faced with two choices : follow the male career route and spend little time with their children or sacrifice their prospects , knowing that working part time means low status and low wages .
14 Women must either follow the male career route and spend little time with their children , or drop out for the vital middle years that filter out the top managers .
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