Example sentences of "[verb] all [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The identifying symbols had been placed all over her dress , and included one in an area which seemed anatomically surprising .
2 You could suck , kiss , lick , touch , fondle , bite , nibble and squeeze all over his body — his nipples , arse , calves , toes , neck , ears , thighs , nose , crotch , balls , armpits , fingers …
3 The lingering tingling sensations caused by the whip glowed all over her body .
4 Tapes crash all over my desk .
5 Coal tits are among the birds which will feed from these , but they do cache seeds , and so be prepared for sunflowers germinating all over your garden and beyond .
6 She potters over , ‘ I 'm going for a walk , so if I feel sick I wo n't puke all over your lawn . ’
7 Something spattered all over his face : he put up his hand and his fingers came away red .
8 He loved Meli so much his ashes were scattered all over her grave
9 When mixed with warm water the powder became a dense paste which Frankie plastered all over her hair .
10 With her photos plastered all over your cabin too . ’
11 They pee all over your garden though the Council provides toilets for them . ’
12 And when her father 's hands were on her she felt at times she would vomit all over his suit .
13 brown and then I 'll do all round his face white .
14 ‘ There were none left , ’ he protested but Mum had moved on and Linda Paterson was grinning all over her face .
15 ’ I just get guys saying , ’ Hey man , I love that film where you bit that guys neck and then you shot him in the head and his brains went spilling all over your face .
16 Fell sobbing into my arms , her hands pretty well gliding all over my body .
17 Ever enthusiastic , a similar report followed the following week speaking of the untiring energy of the Committee and so on , and including the following paragraph — ‘ Of course , there have been those pessimistic folk about who have done all in their power to discourage those who have been endeavouring to bring about this deserved end , and have scoffed at the idea of ever raising the amount of money necessary .
19 ‘ Mr. Kopek , I did n't know you had it in you , ’ was the phrase I could see written all over her expression .
20 He kept her waiting , pushing her desire to the limits , enjoying the torment , the agony that was surely written all over her face .
21 Was her love for Silas written all over her face ?
22 Were there times when it was written all over her face ?
23 The bright brown eyes rested on her and you could see written all over his face the jealousy that this girl , daughter to some man , was still alive while his child was gone .
24 Though Jackson was the first to congratulate Olympic champion McKoy , the disappointment was written all over his face .
25 Clutching a Union Jack , three-year-old Louis hurtled into the arms of his dad , judo silver medallist Ray Stevens , with joy written all over his face .
26 He felt guilty thoughts were written all over his face .
27 He shook his head , doubt written all over his face .
28 Graham , articled to a solicitor well known in the town , with a steady future of respectability clearly written all over his face , had inspired the building society to uncharacteristic flights of generosity .
29 He 's got holy terror written all over his face , and his eyes are bursting with pure demon .
30 He moved closer , until just a few inches separated them , staring down into her eyes with intent written all over his face .
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