Example sentences of "[verb] had [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He is a good man , mademoiselle — all the world would tell you so — but he has had to be strong — to bear everything on his shoulders .
2 She said apologetically " Well , he has had to be careful so long , watching every tiny little thing he does , I suppose … "
3 He has had to be able to turn his hand to almost anything .
4 A male without testes would live longer than a , than a male with them , undoubtedly , on average five to seven years longer , and erm generally be more healthy in terms of avoiding a lot of problems that , that they might have had through being male .
5 You would have had to be superhuman not to be a little corrupted by the power she had .
6 The court held that for the application of the rule to have been lawful it would have had to be justifiable irrespective of race or ethnic or national origins .
7 Jules had told her she was attractive , Félix found her so , and she would have had to be blind not to see the admiring glances of strangers when she went to a café or on a promenade with Jules .
8 She would have had to be blind not to see the mixture of desire and destruction in the getsure .
9 That intolerable woman , she thought bitterly , had managed to become president of the Tollemarche Downtown Community Centre by a majority of a single vote , and Mrs Frizzell had had to be content with the vice-presidency , which office she declared gave her all the work and none of the authority .
10 She had been giddy in the mornings and tired at night ; her breasts felt different , she had been sleeping badly , dreaming dreams , longing all day for Tristram to come and take her in his arms and love her , when instead she had had to be content with no more than a covert glance from him when he came home from Knollys 's yard in the evenings , or a touch of his ankle under the table at supper time .
11 In early August the Minister of War , General Castelló , had had to be relieved of his post , suffering from psychological exhaustion .
12 The price of lead was falling , men were being laid off and John ( along with others ) and with as much grace as they were able to muster , had had to be prepared to accept a reduction in salary .
13 You 've had to be strong to survive — just as poor Nora had to be when your father died , and she was left on her own . ’
14 Rocastle said : ‘ I 've had to be patient , but hopefully this can be the start of my Leeds career and a turning point for the club . ’
15 ‘ I 've had to be stubborn , single-minded and downright selfish in my pursuit of a movie career .
16 After all this I 've had with being late you know ?
17 Since there has been such extensive research on both systems we have had to be selective : we have therefore confined ourselves to discussing just one line of work in connection with each .
18 With the advent of computerised axial tomography ( CAT scan ) this is likely to be less of a problem in the future , but in the past researchers have had to be content with less sophisticated methods .
19 The Australians have had to be content with the second favourites slot in front of their home crowd .
20 ‘ I have had to be flexible and open minded on selection for all of the six-and-a-half years I have had this job , ’ said Roxburgh .
21 Where Aldus have had to be careful is in avoiding building-in power features which would , for the average user , totally unbalance the product .
22 I wanted to give back something for the great interest and happiness I have had from being able to make music to people .
23 Stevenson 's had to be able to rely on a good word from him .
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