Example sentences of "[verb] them [adv prt] until they " in BNC.

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1 ( Another small trap containing a small band of musicians did n't catch them up until they were on their way back ! )
2 Should we beat them or lock them up until they learn their lessons ?
3 Angry Kath Patient locked the council team in her flat and refused to let them out until they replaced a leaking boiler .
4 And that sort of stuff used to go to America , because in er we had quite a big American market in those days because they did n't wash curtains in America , they used to put them up until they dar until they dropped down and then put new curtains up , you see ?
5 A boathook reached out and latched on to the ship 's side , and a small , dark-haired crewgirl pulled them in until they touched with a gentle bump .
6 They are shunted from one set of rails to another ; turn-tables spin them round until they can be run upon any particular line ; by means of capstans and ropes the loaded trucks are warped this way or that ; and tank engines push them hither and thither .
7 The package is basically a DOS based drawing tool with which you can draw rooms , and then place objects within them and move them around until they are in the desired location .
8 Then again they would just stand there , or squat down in the shade of a sand hill , their eyes fixed on the two endless parallels , following them out until they joined and lost themselves in the bush .
9 The limp tunes appear to be played at the wrong speed , stretching them out until they become transparent and meaningless .
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