Example sentences of "[verb] been put in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Almost every word has been put in for a purpose and needs to be commented upon .
2 More and more money from public taxation has been put in to such services one way or another , yet the services still do not work in a foolproof way , for a number of practical reasons .
3 Now in terms of the cr the need for development , I 'm sure the panel will have read all the evidence which has been put in about the long history of the varying impact studies o on development on around Greater York , and those date back of course to the February eighty nine report which I I think you 'll have seen copies of .
4 " He could n't have been put in from either bank , because the body was weighted , and it would have sunk in shallow water .
5 I think he must have been put in from a boat . "
6 The work that had been put in in the past year was now showing results and he was absolutely confident that the spirit that had animated the society , the progressive feeling and the strong loyalty would continue throughout London .
7 The Kingston match had a similar pattern , except that England batted first because they had been put in by Lloyd .
8 I find that is the situation that I 've tried to er , guard against with the budget that we 've been put in on this occasion , and I hope that answers er , er , Mr but er , I 'll answer any other questions that are put up .
9 Another thing , perhaps , we should notice right at the very beginning is that Jesus did n't actually speak in pa , in in er , in chapters , and they 've lost , they 've been put in for our convenience , and chapter fifteen is not the beginning of a new incident Jesus had already been speaking to the people , he had been teaching them in chapter fourteen .
10 Many hours of work have been put in by them in tracklaying and modelling to scale the station buildings , engine sheds , goods shed and signal box as they were .
11 Now what we 're hearing today in in the document that 's been put in by the County is that their assertion is that since nineteen eighty the changing erm common agriculture policy has meant that more farm land in the county is coming into play for development than was the case in nineteen eighty erm not least of all through set aside and general policies of diversification .
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