Example sentences of "[verb] been shown [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In subclinical infections , it has been shown under both experimental an natural conditions that O. circumcincta causes a marked depression in appetite and this , together with losses of plasma protein into the gastro-intestinal tract , results in interference with the post-absorptive metabolism of protein and to a lesser extent the utilisation of metabolisable energy .
2 And even if you 're more likely to favour M&S than Montana , Mugler or Miyake , do n't imagine for one moment that what has been shown on these mammoth runways wo n't affect what you buy next winter .
3 It is the production version of the PWS 4000 porting platform which has been shown at all the major computer exhibitions since Comdex/Fall last October ( UX No 357 ) .
4 It has been shown above that , on the basis of the careers of a number of Muftis in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries , one might tentatively conclude that by that time it was as a practical matter desirable , if not absolutely necessary , to have taught on at least two levels of medreses beyond the Sahn in order to have a chance to attain the highest office in the learned profession .
5 Platelets will rapidly adhere and aggregate if the endothelial barrier is breached , as has been shown in many studies in experimental animals ( reviewed by Mustard et al , 1983 ) , and platelets adherent to collagen release the contents of their α and dense granules .
6 The ability of the elderly to manage a glute free diet has been shown in that 38 of 40 patients who started a gluten free diet complied well and benefited clinically .
7 This has been shown in several scientific experiments which invariably indicate that overweight people eat more quickly than slim people .
8 Mucosal proctectomy , by contrast , in which full thickness ileum is anastomosed to the anus within the sphincter at the dentate line , seems from first principles more likely to impair the function of th sphincter , and in fact has been shown in several studies to decrease maximum resting anal pressure , although the magnitude of that decrease has varied between studies .
9 Furthermore , it has been shown in several of these cell lines that this TGF α does not have to leave the cell to actively bind to transmembrane fragments of the EGF receptor and stimulate the cell .
10 It has been shown in some animal species that there are nerves running from the eyes to the SCN .
11 While vitamin B12 malabsorption has been shown in some patients , it is recognised that bile acid absorption is a more sensitive test of terminal ileal function than vitamin B12 absorption .
12 Supplementary dietary calcium has been shown in some studies to reduce colonic cell proliferation in man .
13 The frightening film of the American Airlines DC-10 from which an engine fell clear during take-off from Chicago must have been shown on more television screens than any other comparable occurrence , and so it goes on until we reach the most horrifying event involving the South Korean Boeing 747 which was deliberately shot down north of Japan by Soviet Russian fighters with the loss of 269 lives .
14 ( Teachers used to living in subject blinkers are sometimes startled to find that films chosen as " starters " for topic work in their subject may already have been shown by another teacher in a different context .
15 Both factors have been shown by several groups to be associated with changes in biliary bile acid composition .
16 The chromosome 10 homologues have been shown in each case .
17 The depth and extent of this understanding have been shown in some work of exceptional quality and insight .
18 Manager Mark Ferguson warns his side to expect another tough battle but says : ‘ You can throw the form book away before this match ; it 's been shown at all levels that the cup has no respect for league positions .
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