Example sentences of "[verb] been possible for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since the abolition of exchange controls in the UK in October 1979 it has been possible for residents of the UK to hold foreign currency on account if they so wish .
2 It might have been possible for Britain to enforce Anglo-American nuclear collaboration by withholding ore stocks , but to have done so would have reduced American production of fissile material to the Soviets ' advantage .
3 Had this been successful it would have been possible for managers of education and training at every level within a locality to identify major employment issues , to assess likely large-scale change in employment patterns and to identify educational links which might have to be developed or changed .
4 ‘ We offer the literature of reassurance ’ states the press office for Mills and Boon : a reassurance that has been marketed with resounding success , a success that would not have been possible for Mills and Boon or for Harlequin without the intervention and resources of the Torstar Corporation .
5 Until 1925 it had been possible for Communists to be represented in all sections of the Labour Party but at the liverpool Conference it was decided to exclude them from membership .
6 In the old days before the local government reorganization of 1974 , it had been possible for Local Education Authorities to make their decisions relatively autonomously , with a view to the educational needs of local children , and under the guidance of often very high-powered and imaginative Chief Education Officers .
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