Example sentences of "[verb] been available [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although the test has been available since 1985 , the question most of us still face is when is the right time to get tested .
2 IBIsys has been available for four years and has around 15,000 customers scattered across Italy , Europe , Canada , South Africa and Australia .
3 Moreover , to offer vocational courses such as TEC and BEC , where these were not previously available , would have required suitably qualified staff and appropriate facilities at a time of recession when money has been available for neither .
4 Thus a verdict at an inquest of natural causes aggravated by lack of care has been available for many years .
5 Depo-Provera has been available for short-term use in Britain since 1978 .
6 We have described this process earlier ( chapter 6 ) , and it seems to occur in every case where fingerspelling has been available for some time and there has been a strong hearing influence .
7 Groups of bed-sitters with communal lounge facilities have been tried , and in some places the shared lounge has been available for social facilities for the old people of the neighbourhood .
8 This facility has been available for most of the season running on certain days of the week using a vintage bus supplied by the Wilts and Dorset Bus Company .
9 Rubella ( German measles ) can cause devastating damage to the fetus in early pregnancy and girls who have not had an attack of this disease by the age of puberty are offered immunisation against this virus so that any baby conceived would be protected , although this should soon be rare in the UK because from 1988 , MMR ( measles , mumps , rubella ) protection has been available to all infants .
10 Alcohol has been available in various pubs and discos in Edinburgh from 7am until 5am the following morning .
11 With this in view the consensus among the agencies is that there will be some discounting , because nobody can ever get it exactly right , but nothing like what has been available in recent years .
12 If the proposals which I put forward on behalf of the Conservative group had been adopted , £15,000 not £1,500 would have been available for practical environmental issues this year .
13 This revelation represented a fundamental flaw in the BRAC programme , since BRAC 's plan of introducing appropriate technology to the people of Bangladesh required that the lobon-gur solution should have been available to all who needed it with little difficulty ( the first criterion given at the beginning of Chapter 4 ) .
14 On many of the remaining farms emergency cover might have been available through other members of the family .
15 One such reform took place in AD 317 , and therefore coins made in the previous decade would not have been available after this date for subsequent use and loss .
16 Compact disc technology had been available for some time , but the quadraphonic experiment had failed and videotape technology was in something of an impasse .
17 When we entered the local office to add yet more to my daughter 's investments , the helpful cashier advised us to switch from her existing account , requiring 90 days ’ notice of withdrawals to an instant access ‘ Prime Gold ’ account which had been available for some time , and in fact paid higher interest .
18 Small dedicated games units had been available for some time but had always had only crude multimedia capabilities .
19 Then he looked up at the new young golden eagle who had been available under special government licence and brought in as her replacement .
20 He came back a day or two later and they told him it definitely had been available before nineteen thirty-nine . ’
21 They 've been available for two weeks at 350 Oxfam shops .
22 If we now look at the different animals and crops that have been available over several thousand years , we will begin to see how basic systems of land exploitation worked in the landscape .
23 Abridged editions of DC , giving less detail than the full edition , have been available since 1894 .
24 This was accepted and such grants have been available since 1979 .
25 Data base systems have been available for many years and were developed to make efficient use of secondary storage devices in large computer installations .
26 Although safe and effective vaccines have been available for 10 years , only around 40 per cent of healthcare workers in Europe are vaccinated .
27 Anglo-Saxon archaeology has n't come to a crisis point as did prehistoric studies in the early 1960s ; rather it is gradually slipping into new directions with the establishment of a generation of archaeologists more aware that alternative approaches exist to be tried and which have been available for 20 years .
28 Synthetic brushes have been available for some time and seemed to be the ideal solution , but in the past brushes could be too soft to control well , or too hard to be fully responsive , limiting paint delivery and with little spring , performing as a poor cousin to natural hair and bristle .
29 The standard gauge ( SK840 ) and Chunky ( SK890 ) models have been available for some time .
30 ACT ! , developed by Contact Software , is both the US 's and the UK 's best selling contact software package , and PC and network variants tailored to the UK have been available for some time .
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