Example sentences of "[verb] we wo n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Association chief executive Frank Clark said : ‘ We say we wo n't give in to the IRA and yet the police say they can not guarantee the safety of a manager at a football match . ’
2 ‘ But I 'm sure when the game starts we wo n't notice it .
3 I 'll be talking in a few moments time about aviation travel and the risks and , indeed , the trends that are being reflected at the present time , but erm before we move to that let's just think about those of us who perhaps have decided we wo n't go abroad .
4 which of course is rightly the , the domain of the District Council so I hope we wo n't get too involved in that .
5 O K , I just hope we wo n't run out of space here .
6 After two months we have n't said we wo n't talk .
7 When you go to your mum 's tomorrow , or when we go out tomorrow we 'll take it with us , in case we meet anybody I can be taping cos I can get as many people as I like , when you go up to Ken 's take it with you , put it on your pocket , but then say to them , if you object we wo n't do it .
8 We spent a wonderful week together and have agreed we wo n't leave it another eight years before we meet again .
9 in the revolution because they are such a , a large proportion er we ca n't really have them an ap apathetic you know part erm cos it 'll al alienate too many and you know we wo n't have enough support that we need .
10 I think it 's because erm a lot of the pub such as ourselves are just fed up with them we 're all as one now and we think well you know we wo n't have it in our pubs .
11 One would hope we wo n't see a repeat of that ever again and we have said that before , ’ he said .
12 But they said to us on that night ‘ unless we have the full £150,000 for the seven performances we 've done and the eighth which we are about to do we wo n't go on . ’
13 well I suppose we wo n't have enough time to prepare for teachers though .
14 If you could sell we wo n't tell him .
15 I have n't read anything official from Elland Road for the past few months , so I 'm presuming that this season coming we wo n't need premier cards to go to away games .
16 Unless we talk we wo n't reach conclusions that are acceptable to the majority .
17 With this summer 's titanic battle for the Ashes still fresh in the memory , Fulton added : ‘ Everything is stacked against us , but that does n't mean we wo n't win .
18 Although we are n't a politically active family , I was discussing Prime Minister John Major 's plan for a classless society with my sister Lynn when my niece Natalie said : ‘ Will this mean we wo n't have to go to school any more ? ’
19 ‘ At least it means we wo n't have to go to that horrid barn place , ’ said a nome .
20 I think we wo n't get a unified transport system .
21 Question ten is a very involved question that I think we wo n't look at now .
22 I think we wo n't see no one till lunch-time at the earliest . ’
23 Well we went off , we got off at Peel which was the other side as you know and there was Peel Castle right on the hill there and erm well after , and she said we wo n't go to these sea front cafes , well I know a nice restaurant , she said , up that road , and she said , just turn to the right and there we are , see .
24 But he said we wo n't charge you the daily rate , we 'll just charge you for the job .
25 I think the only other way of doing it is n't it is to say we wo n't do it for every course initially .
26 I 'm not going to say we wo n't get back together again , but we need a break from each other . ’
27 Which is not to say we wo n't accept sponsorship . ’
28 Which does n't mean to say we wo n't have substantial erm P and L er contribution fro from B-Sky-B .
29 perhaps I should n't of told you , so I said well look Timothy I said this is a conversation that has n't taken place I said when Christopher comes back in I said if you want to say anything you can , but feel free not to and we 'll just , if he comes we wo n't know anything about it
30 But what er what what needles me a bit , but you ca n't blame them cos I , if I was er a small communications firm I 'd do the same myself , but , you see we wo n't sell now small systems through a sell
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