Example sentences of "[verb] she 'd [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They had to stop the machines because everybody was laughing see with Tara on the floor so Ann did n't even know she 'd fallen off the chair .
2 ‘ I can see it upsets you , ’ he said softly , and she was afraid to look at him , afraid to see again what she imagined she 'd seen in his eyes .
3 Had Silas realised she 'd fallen in love with him ?
4 With the work on the campaign and the success we 'd heard she 'd had with it , would she find me too limited when I got out ?
5 Suddenly afraid of what she had unleashed , Shae backed away , barely realising she 'd stepped into her own room till he closed the door behind them .
6 Some man at the college had arranged it for her … she more or less admitted she 'd worked on him . ’
7 His mother had shown him lots of things , photographs and even odds and ends she 'd had as a child , but she 'd never shown him her wedding-dress .
8 Later I discovered she 'd arranged for one of her friends to phone and distract me so that she could make off with her booty !
9 Yes I heard she 'd gone to the Nottingham area .
10 When he 'd left her at the entrance to Newcastle Place the day Pa died she 'd ached with disappointment that she might never see him again .
11 A post morteum revealled she 'd died from a large fracture of the skull , soon after she 'd been born .
12 WHEN Stephanie Cole went to the read-through of the BBC2 film Memento Mori , there were so many famous names present that she felt she 'd stumbled into Who 's Who in the Theatre .
13 Intuitively she felt the depths of the anguish he 'd suffered , knew without having to be told how hard he had struggled to help his sister , understood how devastating it must have been for him to realise she 'd gone beyond his help .
14 ‘ It were a night like this when your mother went off , lass , and Jake near lost his mind when he knew she 'd gone for good .
15 There was n't a note , but he knew she 'd gone for good .
16 The girl spent a long time wondering whether she could pluck up courage to mention she 'd thought of going to the Swimming Gala if her mother really felt there was nothing she could do .
17 She was listening for a new noise , the noise she thought she 'd heard on the way out to Chateaubriand : the irregular tapping of the axis lock crystal , jumping in its housing .
18 Penny says a close friend recently asked her to sum up what she thought she 'd done for the Princess of Wales .
19 We thought she 'd gone to bed .
20 One of the girls in the company , ever such a nice little thing she was , she thought she 'd got into trouble ; well , I could 've told her she would , the way she was going on — actors — you would n't believe !
21 I thought she 'd got over being ashamed of me , but now she looks at me with contemptuous pity .
22 ‘ I thought she 'd finished with Julian .
23 She made coffee in a dented silver pot and served it in dark-green cups with gold rims and gold handles , cups she 'd stolen from home .
24 She would have been appalled to think she 'd added to her sister 's problems .
25 Her mother said she 'd fallen on hard times .
26 He said she 'd polished underneath it but she had n't .
27 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
28 She said she 'd gone after that house but she 's not in the blasted catchment area though !
29 she spoke to and said we 've discussed it cos I asked whether she 'd done that , she said she 'd spoken to and said we 've discussed that we should share the work more equally and said no I 'm happy with the way things were and left it that way
30 She lied to me , though , when I asked at about the age of eight what she 'd done : she said she 'd worked in an office , done clerical work .
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