Example sentences of "[verb] how difficult it [be] " in BNC.

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1 As Scott later pointed out , he then reversed his usual argument that Gothic did not provide enough light , by explaining how difficult it was for the Speaker to control the sunlight coming through the windows of his house in the Houses of Parliament .
2 When I carried out a survey of undergraduates and their use of books at Sheffield University I needed a sample of all undergraduates in the university during the academic year of the study.8 It was quite a revelation , talking to the Assistant Registrar in charge of records , to discover how difficult it was to define a ‘ student ’ for my purposes .
3 The controversy that has surrounded Brenner 's results illustrates how difficult it is to draw firm conclusions about the role of any one factor , such as unemployment , on a state as loosely defined as ‘ health ’ .
4 He described how difficult it was to interest his seniors in this useful discovery .
5 You do n't know how difficult it is . ’
6 Imagine how difficult it is to look at the speaker if you can not tell the direction the voice is coming from , or if you can not hear his voice and maybe do n't know he is speaking .
7 The initial trials quickly revealed how difficult it is to develop one set of forms which can be used to assess the progress of all children
8 The initial trials quickly revealed how difficult it is to develop one set of forms which can be used to assess the progress of all children .
9 Our third example concerns Newton 's contemporary , Edmond Halley ( c. 1656–1743 ) , whose efforts to investigate the earth 's history independently of Scriptural authority show how difficult it was to achieve a full separation even by the end of the seventeenth century .
10 We have seen how difficult it is to gain a horizontal flow with such limited material , and that the resulting music is inevitably fairly static .
11 It helps one understand how difficult it is just to eat , to pick things up or to dry your feet .
12 Pregnancy also posed difficulties to those administering health insurance , and this showed how difficult it was for state welfare policies to treat women as both workers and wives and mothers .
13 In fact , Galileo 's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ( 1615 ) shows how difficult it was for him to pursue such an argument , even had he wished .
14 Look how difficult it is for women to get on in the medical or legal profession !
15 ‘ You just can not believe how difficult it is , ’ said one successful candidate .
16 In the end there could only be one option for de Gaulle , but the time it took him to make the decision indicated how difficult it was .
17 He had no doubt come to this decision as a result of bitter experience ; for he went on to remark how difficult it was to keep one 's equanimity when people deliberately distorted one 's views — about Catholic teaching , for example .
18 In accounting for the failure of the " Fifteen , historians sympathetic to Jacobitism tend to stress how difficult it is to launch a successful invasion , and that all the trump cards lie with the government of the day .
19 For men under 20 , the job offer arrival rates are at least nine times higher than for men aged 55 and over ( at the mean wage ) , emphasising how difficult it is for older unemployed men to obtain a job .
20 We all know how difficult it is for scientists to obtain their due recognition .
21 You know how difficult it is to get your hands on anything these days — and your mother tries so hard to make you look nice .
22 You know how difficult it is for two women to live together , especially if they 're mother and daughter .
23 ‘ I am Barbadian , and I know how difficult it is to get anything done here . ’
24 ‘ I know how difficult it is in London — I suppose tropical fruits would be allowed ? ’
25 We all know how difficult it is for members of the security forces and their families , and we should now be aware that they are at risk all the time .
26 Unfortunately many employees also know how difficult it is for us to stop them simply imposing changes without agreement from the people that are affected .
27 I 've got a sale to go to at nine , and you know how difficult it is for me to get back to sleep once I 've been woken . ’
28 They do n't wish it to happen , but it becomes an impossibility almost for them to stand up to their rights , and Mr talks about rights and no rights is in abstract and we all know how difficult it is then to stand up as a minority when you 're surrounded by that majority , but I 've had personal representations
29 These trends indicate how difficult it is for the market to translate what it has been told about the purchasing power of this group into reality .
30 The case studies considered in this chapter indicate how difficult it is to formulate a coherent policy for mergers .
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