Example sentences of "[verb] that it [be] intend " in BNC.

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1 NAM 's Public Relations Officer , Howard Heeley , said that while the Museum were sorry to see the Mk 4 go , it was more than pleasing to know that it was intended to fly it again .
2 He asked if Hall had forgotten that it was intended eventually to extend the new buildings as far as Great George Street where they would be seen with the Abbey and the Palace of Westminster .
3 The first of those from Viola was addressed in fact to ‘ Dear Walter and Hilda ’ , but it was not difficult to guess that it was intended primarily for Walter 's eyes .
4 He uttered a short sharp bark , which made Rosie jump ; she assumed it was a cough , then realised that it was intended as an expression of amusement .
5 It is easy to see that it is intended to be consistent .
6 The deliberations of the RDC revealed that it was intended to pave the way for the establishment of a provisional government .
7 All other sources used by d'Indy show that it is intended for strings alone .
8 I confirm that it is intended to notify individual responsible persons of their Council Tax Banding as part of the canvas exercise in December 1992 .
9 I know that it is intended to begin wiring around 1 September 1993 and that it will be a week or so before the actual switchover from room 202 to the above sites takes place .
10 Legislation has in fact been issued under general treaty powers which expressly states that it is intended to implement the Social Charter , such as Directive 91/533 on contracts of employment , which , since it was made under Article 100 which requires unanimity in the Council , must at the least not have been opposed by the United Kingdom minister .
11 The document authorizes an unusually large payment , and it has been plausibly conjectured that it was intended to reimburse him for expenses connected with the ‘ impressing ’ of choirboys for the chapel , which had been ordered in 1440 .
12 Opponents to the development believe that it is intended as a means of attracting the winter Olympics to the area .
13 Although LCC is used by other libraries , in order to understand the format of the scheme it is necessary to recognize that it was intended to fit the LC collections and services as closely as possible , without reference to outside needs and influences .
14 Some organisations provide detailed lists of items which are allowable under the disturbance allowance ; others merely state that it is intended to meet all other ‘ out-of-pocket ’ expenses incurred during relocation which are not specified elsewhere in the company 's policy .
15 Of the country 's three nuclear reactors in Yongbyon , one 50-100 megawatt plant was not connected to the national grid , thereby indicating that it was intended for weapons production .
16 3.3 Time restrictions If there is no mention of a time restriction in a covenant then the courts will normally infer that it is intended that the restriction should last forever .
17 The pro-government Republican Party , until June a member of the Russian Movement for Democratic Reforms , also announced that it was intending to put pressure on the government and President in support of reforms .
18 Also on March 21 it was announced that it was intended that from April 1993 all further education colleges offering full-time education and all sixth-form colleges should be taken out of local authority control , as the new sector of post-16 education funded directly by central government .
19 This is regarded by the present government , along with its proposals for a national curriculum , as a means of enhancing the quality of education , and making schools more accountable to parents in a system of schooling that it is intended will be more consumer oriented .
20 The CEGB denied that it was intended as a bribe .
21 Government officials denied that it was intended to re-open the direct negotiations with ETA leaders which had been suspended , after talks in Algiers , in April 1989 [ see pp. 36597 ; 36627-28 ] .
22 If it is felt that this smacks too much of the ‘ green shield stamp ’ approach , it should be realized that it is intended that the scheme will operate with a substantial element of vocational and tutorial guidance using specialized staff .
23 It is quite clear against the background that I have described that it was intended that it should be an exceptional power and that it should be used only when there are no other ways in which the individual applicant may consider the case himself through the planning process .
24 The three old miners considered that it was intended to carry out this operation a little before the smelt houses " left off " and of course they left off by persuasion of the Parliamentary forces , violent or otherwise .
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