Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] [vb mod] give " in BNC.

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1 I do n't deserve another chance — but I 'm hoping , praying that you will give me one anyway . ’
2 Do I know that she will give me a lift ?
3 But Mr Chirac promised that he would give his full support to the government , expressing criticism only in private to Mr Balladur .
4 I handed over my life 's savings and promised that I would give her the other nineteen and six before the year was up .
5 They need to know that they can give you your professional , their professional attention they will not make it compulsively , the majority party of what went wrong this is you were no longer the majority party .
6 Formally but icily they replied that they " do not desire to interfere with any views which he may have towards improving his position in life , but they expect that he will give them six months ' notice of his intention to resign the mastership of the School " .
7 Despite the unceremonious manner of the suggestion , she agreed that they should give the idea a try .
8 Rather more docile than when she had entered , Frau Nordern agreed that she would give notice , ample notice , more than enough notice to make sure that they had the room and raised her glass in salute as the manager beamed on Erika and then withdrew to welcome the first of his evening guests , stout , prosperous looking men in heavy dark suits : officials , with their wives .
9 It has also been said that if a member of a court announced that he would give expression to his views by voting against every licence , he would be disqualified : McGeehan v. Knox ( supra ) , Lord Mackenzie at p.696 .
10 If the country and the House have refused , since then , to give in to terror — despite all the horrors that have been inflicted against humanity on the mainland and , especially , in Northern Ireland — why should the leadership of the Provisional IRA and its fellow travellers , wherever they may be found , conclude that we shall give in to terror during the next 21 years ?
11 ‘ He has had his problems this season with a knee injury to overcome but it is great that he has got where he is at the moment , ’ said Dalglish , who would not even confirm that he will give Paul Warhurst , his £2.7 million signing from Sheffield Wednesday , an Anfield debut .
12 ‘ He has had his problems this season with a knee injury to overcome but it is great that he has got where he is at the moment , ’ said Dalglish , who would not even confirm that he will give Paul Warhurst , his £2.7 million signing from Sheffield Wednesday , an Anfield debut .
13 Koresh told that he 'd give himself up once he 'd written his prophetic interpretation of the seven seals .
14 Many thanks to Ron for such an interesting evening and we hope that he will give further shows in the future .
15 This is not because I share his criticisms — quite the opposite — but because , like him , I anticipate and relish the prospect of my hon. Friend the Minister replying to the debate , when I hope that he will give a robust rebuttal of the hon. Gentleman 's criticisms .
16 I hope that you will give this reply as prominent a place in your paper as you did the original article and we trust that in future you will ring this Company for comment before publishing incorrect material which is misleading and biased .
17 The strict rules of evidence do not apply in arbitrations ( Ord 19 , r 5(2) , Term 3 ) , but , of course , the district judge or other arbitrator may feel that he should give less weight to evidence which is hearsay than to evidence which is direct .
18 Switzer noted that he could give ‘ directions once or twice a Year in most of the …
19 I 'll tell you give him a ring , tell him that you 've given me his , the telephone number and he should expect that I 'll give him a call in the next week
20 No , I have said that I will give way to the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside .
21 The famous film director from France could speak no English , and so Miranda was being sent to do the interview as well as provide the paper 's weekly caricature ; she had the address of the location , a newsagent 's in the High Street of a part of the city she had never heard mentioned before , Giblett Park , though she had lived in London most of her life ; the Press Office had said that he would give her ten minutes between takes , or more if she were lucky and the filming was going well and Jean-Claude Meursault was feeling mellow .
22 We also have to run three miles in full kit ( forty-four pounds including rifle and helmet ) in thirty-three minutes ; and demonstrate that we can give first aid , among other tests .
23 If he was begging , he seemed hardly to expect that anyone would give him money for making such a noise .
24 ‘ I feel sure you 'll understand that it will give me great satisfaction to entertain your niece 's young cousin .
25 This , coupled with the notion of the magistrate as being responsible for enforcement of the judgments handed down by himself or his deputy , would surely suggest that he could give judgment for performance and enforce it specifically .
26 As Christians we recognise that there is a great deal of hope in the behaviour category , because if our behaviour is less than God demands , we know that he will give the strength to change it to meet his demands .
27 I know that you will give your support as always and help achieve our goal .
28 I think if we do that we might both discover that we can give each other a great deal of pleasure . ’
29 Is the right hon. Gentleman saying that he would give a commitment on any terms less than those that we are prepared to give ?
30 ‘ Oh ? ’ she questioned carefully , while her brain was rattling off the clamouring question — was he saying that he would give her a lift ?
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