Example sentences of "[verb] it very difficult [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For dairy farmers shorter courses were run but travel could still be considerable and some found it very difficult to attend .
2 The government found it very difficult to persuade communities to help settle the Palatines .
3 His post-operative progress was complicated by a chest infection and he found it very difficult to regain his usual level of activity because his arthritis seemed worse after the operation and a day or two spent largely in bed .
4 I found it very difficult to say this word , and so I decided to shorten it and call them Houys .
5 One woman described how she experienced an aggressive pattern : ‘ I found it very difficult to cope with women over me , especially if I thought that they were n't being fair — although I had no problems when dealing with men .
6 She had complete confidence in the young nurse , although she found it very difficult to penetrate her reserve .
7 ‘ I found it very difficult to judge that first script .
8 After his experiences photographing there , he found it very difficult to continue the rather dull life of a colonial portraitist , and soon set off again for the strange and exotic land of Siam .
9 Topaz found it very difficult to obey the command for constant disdain , and soon shed it for a charm which worked like magic .
10 Civil servants found it very difficult to contradict their ministers or to pursue a different line .
11 Ian Watson , the student in question was a clever young man who had worked very hard to achieve his place at the higher seat of learning ; he found it very difficult to manage on the pittance that his father allowed him .
12 He was a very slow writer and found it very difficult to produce what Ben wanted , so the actual work of the libretto was often well behind the work of the music .
13 Well there 's no question but which therapists and people of medical profession have come across cases of people who have indeed been scarred for their whole lives and and found it very difficult to maintain trust and relationships and and be able to achieve their potential as a result of the sorts of situations that they endured , and perhaps we 're more understanding about those sorts of areas of the human need to be able to express anxiety and to feel that to express fears is is not something that 's going to overwhelm people that are around us , so that adults who are in the care of children , be they teachers , or parents , or child care workers , can allow children to express their feelings so that they do n't need to hold on to them and thereby increase the fears that they have .
14 Little wonder , as things turned out , that in adult life poor ‘ W. C. T. ’ , as his cousin William Jowett Titford called him , found it very difficult to convince bureaucrats that he was really called ‘ William ’ , though everyone knew him as ‘ Charles ’ , like his father .
15 Sandison found it very difficult to understand him because he spoke very quickly and occasionally slipped into Neapolitan dialect .
16 Ann found it very difficult to tell , just as she had found it difficult to fathom out the workings of Martha 's mind in the days before she and her twin were married .
17 She found it very difficult to get out of bed , so we moved life to centre it in the bedroom .
18 I found it very difficult to get past the first fleet but when I did the game became more enjoyable especially as the 256 colour graphics match most games out today .
19 She found it very difficult to get her tongue round the unfamiliar words .
20 ‘ Everybody wanted a piece of my action and I found it very difficult to adjust .
21 He found it very difficult to work in collaboration with others .
22 Even though she almost wholly accepted who Tammuz was , if only as an abstract , she still found it very difficult to look upon him as her father in flesh and blood .
23 Eve , the present manager of the home , found it very difficult to learn what to do when she first started work as a care assistant .
24 When Julie was first admitted to the ward she found it very difficult to rest comfortably due to the pain she was experiencing .
25 One of the things I I I found it very difficult to start with I must admit is that to prejudge that people would or would not go in .
26 The empty pot was heavy and Asik found it very difficult to walk without carrying anything , but the pot made it almost impossible for him to move at any speed .
27 But the commitment of governments was to the gold standard and free trade and , in 1922 , Baldwin reflected that , ‘ a free trade country , such as we are still , finds it very difficult to argue with a country that has a tariff weapon in its hand . ’
28 The mother sometimes finds it very difficult to give away an almost impossible to keep child and the child , when grown up , may think about why their mother gave them away .
29 Erm I think the , the point that 's being made here is that even within the defined areas of authority given to him by the constitution , the president finds it very difficult to act unless certain specific conditions are met .
30 But what people in general feel about the situation Howard finds it very difficult to determine .
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