Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun] of words " in BNC.

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1 To suggest that some oral forms of education involve a use of words that lack ‘ classificatory and analytic isolating functions ’ , as Greenfield does , is meaningless .
2 He pronounced a string of words in an unfamiliar tongue and , as he did so , the light changed abruptly and became dark and malevolent , tinged with purple .
3 This instruction specifies a number of words to be moved n , a source , and a destination address .
4 As you eliminate a group of words , patterns begin to emerge .
5 Mr Scowcroft was , until his appointment , the co-chairman of a committee drawn from the defence elites of both parties , which in February found a form of words that satisfied its wide range of members and came down gently in favour of Midgetman first and rail-MX only later .
6 So , go to a considerable amount of trouble to , first , find the point where your story has to begin , where the first absolutely necessary fact has to be put before the reader , then work equally hard to find a form of words to state it that will catch your reader as firmly as Ruth Rendell catches hers .
7 It is an attempt to find a form of words around which people of different views can unite .
8 Tel. 071–272 1266 ) may be able to arrange for someone to conduct a non-religious ceremony , or can send a form of words that could be used ( leaflets are available from these organisations on receipt of an sae ) .
9 All these dictionaries are similar , inasmuch as they can all be used to create a list of words and definitions .
10 Dr Einon started by asking James to repeat telephone numbers , then to remember a sequence of words , then to repeat word lists after counting backwards from ten to one as a distraction ( see graph ) .
11 The time taken by each set of words has to be very exactly calculated , and a large part of the skill of a voice-over expert lies in the ability to fit a set of words into a precise length of time while still getting the required clarity and intonation .
12 And you 've got a lot of words in , in , in er er , er a lot of Latin words , and French words all in your , all in your dictionary now .
13 Wilkins had implied that the Bible was not to be taken as a scientific text since the Holy Spirit had used a form of words comprehensible to the common man .
14 Why not make a list of words and expressions which are recent .
15 Instead his lips compressed , as if he were physically stemming a tide of words , and he slung his briefcase on to the bare chart table .
16 King described it as ‘ a phenomenal card ’ but really it was an opportunity to promote a war of words between two of the fighters , Chavez and Norris , to build up anticipation and demand for them to meet in the ring .
17 For subjects given a list of words , when recall is immediate words with serial positions late in the list are more likely to be recalled than when recall is delayed .
18 If subjects are given a list of words , words with serial positions early in the list are more likely to be recalled than those further towards the middle of the list .
19 For example , the Tamil phoneme /t/ has three variants ; To master these variants of Tamil /t/ you would prepare a list of words for each phonetic environment affecting the /t/ ( note that the Tamil words are written phonemically and not phonetically , as the environment shows what the pronunciation should be ) : Collect words as similar as possible to highlight the conditioning factor .
20 Both these instances are of verbal trickery , using a form of words which most often have one meaning but which , in strict logic , can have another .
21 I 'm prowling in other words , by using a lot of words !
22 This produced a torrent of words but little effective action .
23 Make a list of words that describe how you think Brian Smart would feel about coming to school each day .
24 Make a list of words for each of the two sounds in the same position in the word , as much as possible keeping the environment the same and the lists consistent .
25 A way would have to be found by the time of the Edinburgh Summit ( later the Birmingham Summit was introduced for the same purpose ) of providing a form of words ( possibly involving subsidiarity ) which would help the Danes to save face .
26 Many readers are hindered by inaudibly ‘ pronouncing ’ each word rather than scanning a group of words to get the meaning of a sentence and rapid reading classes can be helpful in correcting this deficiency .
27 Diane exchanged a couple of words and a smile with a young man who had emerged from a side door carrying a clipboard and what looked like a litre bottle of clear water .
28 I mean , they , they spell a lot of words quite different to the others .
29 An extreme instance is provided by Godden and Baddeley ( 1975 , 1980 ) , who found that the ability of divers to recall a list of words learned either under water or on the beach was much better when the test took place in the same conditions as had prevailed during original learning .
30 Pictures and illustrations were used big , and the wide column layout packed a lot of words on the page .
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