Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] all over " in BNC.

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1 He poured it into the glasses and handed her one with a mocking little bow that nearly made Hilary throw the liquid all over him .
2 She flung aside her heavy bedroom curtains and pressed her face to the cold glass but there was nothing there , just the quiet , empty blackness which enveloped the families all over Cornwall who were turning the trencher in a thousand drawing-rooms .
3 Using a brush dipped lightly in purple food colouring ( mixed with a little water for lighter shades ) , colour the windows dark purple and tint the bricks all over the towers different shades of lavender .
4 You see , when they took a century 's dust and dirt off those walls , they completely changed the acoustics , swapping grubby absorbency for beautiful , bright marble which bounced the sound all over the place .
5 Using a series of elaborate grooming movements , they spread the mixture all over their bodies .
6 She tried to light the gas fire but dropped the matches all over the hearthrug .
7 That 's too much , yeah spilling the peas all over the place here
8 Why did n't you read the label before you started splashing the stuff all over you !
9 Do n't dot the foundation all over the face to begin with because it 's difficult to gauge how much is needed .
10 The instrument of resurrection was to be the turnpike. this custom prevailing , 't is more than probable , that our posterity may see the roads all over England restored in their time to such a perfection , that travelling and carriage of goods will be much more easy both to man and horse than ever it was since the Romans lost this island .
11 Oh , God , I thought , she can see the lipstick all over me .
12 It must be summer the sound of willow on leather , the rattle of the scoreboard as Australian batsmen yet again plaster the ball all over another English Cricket Ground .
13 You get another player like Jimmy White , wonderful player to watch , I mean , you know , flashes the ball all over the place , knocks it in , wonderful player , er and has won a lot of championships , but Jimmy 's a totally different character , does n't practice anywhere near as much as Steve Davis .
14 Cos if you walk under her ladder she might drop the water all over your head .
15 When fixing a design in place with egg white or glue , avoid getting the adhesive all over the picture as it will catch the light when dry .
16 So as that we 'll hear the telephone all over the house .
17 They billeted the men all over the village and even in our outbuildings here .
18 Besides , they blew the papers all over the place .
19 The two storm-troopers who pinned him down now rubbed the salt all over his body , massaging it into his skin , tearing the cuts wider as they did so .
20 Almost anyone else witnessing the achievements of this small child would have been tempted to make a great fuss and shout the news all over the village and beyond , but not so Mrs Phelps .
21 Instead he began to rub the lamb all over his robe and turban .
22 Dublin-born master flautist Brian Dunning and ex-Stockton 's Wing bodhran virtuoso Tommy Hayes were soon joined in Portland , Oregon , by Bothy Band founder Micheál O Dhomhnaill , and immediately the stage was set for a musical collaboration which has taken the band all over the world .
23 My brother and I used to sit together and drive this old horse up and down the field and throw the hay all over the place to get the sun .
24 CIE , the US-based Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility , and the International Organization of Consumer Unions , have all collaborated on many projects , and there are literally hundreds , perhaps thousands of transnational networks now monitoring the TNCs all over the world .
25 Although he was hitting the ball all over the place in practice , Seve was figuring out which side of the fairways to miss on a lot of holes , and places where he could n't go at all .
26 He could not resist showing off , hitting the ball all over the court and making her run around until she was pink with the effort and furious with herself for getting into such an undignified situation .
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