Example sentences of "[verb] suggest that it be " in BNC.

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1 I want to suggest that it is ultimately unsatisfactory , both on intellectual and political grounds .
2 I want to suggest that it is the centrality given to this concept of sexuality that constitutes a problem for historians , for it ignores the great variety of cultural patterns that history reveals , and the very different meanings given to what we blithely label as ‘ sexual activity ’ .
3 Although the Bcl-2 protein is membrane-associated r7–10 , its subcellular location is controversial : two studies have suggested that it is mainly associated with the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum , whereas another study has suggested that it is mainly located in the inner mitochondrial membrane .
4 This chapter has suggested that it is common to find exaggerated accounts of Japan 's position as the model of an unusually successful and harmonious capitalist society , in particular that compliance may be involuntary and that social inequalities are not as insignificant as they may appear .
5 In addition , the new knowledge about economic and demographic change in the past has suggested that it is urgent to reconsider several aspects of the received wisdom about the industrial revolution , notably the assumptions made by contemporaries about declining marginal returns in agriculture ; changes in the occupational structure of the English labour force before and during the industrial revolution ; and , more generally , the viability of the concept itself so far as it connotes a unitary and progressive phenomenon .
6 The Japanese historian Irokawa Daikichi has suggested that it was only when the economic plight of the early 1880s failed to respond to this conventional morality that some of the lower classes were forced to break out of their limitations in the violent incidents of the time .
7 Robinson 's ( 1955 ) results seemed to suggest that it is not .
8 However the way technology is developing suggests that it is an area we should pay more and more attention to .
9 It is not always reported as being in exactly the same location , although recent reports seem to suggest that it is not now capable of the movement which it once , extraordinarily , may have demonstrated .
10 There was a window open on the third floor , but marks consistent with the rubber-soled shoes he was wearing suggested that it was from the parapet in front of the four dormer windows in the roof .
11 Richard Roxburgh ( Letters , April ) seems to suggest that it is alright for BBC Enterprises to produce training videos as long as they are not successful .
12 Either way , the word seems to suggest that it was their inability or refusal to suckle which was regarded as characteristic — a supposition exactly in line with my theory that they represent the masculine , aggressive , weaning mothers of early agriculture .
13 If it has been made of lead , then I would also have suggested that it was a pommel .
14 She could have suggested that it was none of his business , or have made an excuse that she 'd forgotten to put it on , but , wits scattered , with her usual honesty she blurted out the exact truth .
15 It is clear that the Soviet economy is at an impasse , but we have tried to suggest that it is not at the abyss .
16 By further describing it as a ritual , the author might be taken to suggest that it was also part of an ongoing practice governed by unalterable rules .
17 In a further development during June , the North Korean government was reported to have suggested that it was prepared to abandon its efforts to produce plutonium in return for international assistance with alternative technology for nuclear power plants .
18 So I would have heard enough on the phone er because I have n't got my original notes here , I would have heard enough on the phone er Robert to have suggested that it was a good idea to get face to face .
19 The predicted size of this fragment was 1076 bp , however , the full length fragment was not discernable in the other cell lines tested suggesting that it 's occurrence is rare .
20 The US government continued to suggest that it was " ready " to start phasing out its Philippines facilities , regarding them as less strategically important in view of the changing international scene , and with alternative sites available in Singapore , Brunei and possibly northern Australia .
21 This is impossible to answer , but he does suggest that it is likely to be more than the planners currently recommend .
22 This does suggest that it is men are doing the raping .
23 The legal rules do not distinguish between these two groups — and neither do the ideologues on either side of the debate — but an examination of the most modern cases does suggest that it is easier to prove adverse possession of " empty " land .
24 Before the party , she had suggested that it be delayed .
25 And then Lily Moore had suggested that it was n't fair , that they ought to take turns at the pulpit and the font .
26 The Direktor had suggested that it was not necessary for Willi to go , that in fact it would be much better if it were just him , Busacher , and no-one else .
27 Presenting a piece of information as given suggests that it is already established and agreed and is therefore non-negotiable .
28 I would venture to suggest that it is not .
29 I would venture to suggest that it is Helen Bews and her like who should accept that their world view went out with the Empire !
30 Appearing as witnesses in court , some physicians have suggested that it is foolhardy to jeopardise a person 's livelihood because of a laboratory report when the worker appears to be performing his job normally .
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