Example sentences of "[verb] together into a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of just inspecting records within the Input range you can define n output range so that all the records found as a result of the search are gathered together into a separate table .
2 Tendrils from the two black shapes reached out to entwine with each other , pulling their cores closer together until , as Ace watched in amazement , they melded together into a single muscular column of flesh crowned with thorns .
3 Bernice could see Legion 's body splitting into a firework display of multi-coloured fronds , and slowly drawing together into a hairy black ovoid supported by three pipe-cleaner legs .
4 Our first aim , therefore , is to isolate significant typical events and units of social life and activity , and then to probe for the underlying blueprint , often implicit rather than explicit , that will show how they fit together into a meaningful pattern .
5 They signed up for the same courses and joined the same societies ; they sat together in seminars and went together to the National Film Theatre ; they had sex together and moved together into a one-roomed flat in their second year .
6 The girls ' typing desks were pushed together into a fortified ghetto behind the stacked boxes .
7 In essence , a camcorder consists of a video camera and a recorder built together into a one-piece unit which can be powered either by battery or mains adapter .
8 Revisionist work has still to be drawn together into a full-scale synthesis , in part no doubt , because the quantity of new doctoral research in the field slowed down in the early 1980s .
9 Furthermore , peripherals used by each are likely to be drawn together into a single , compatible product line and Fujitsu is expected to take over more responsibility for the development of ICL and Amdahl 's mainframe CPU architectures .
10 It only remains for miniaturisation , integration and market demand to reach the point at which the various elements can be drawn together into a single commercially viable device .
11 and computer may be via ribbon cable or individual wires drawn together into a neat harness secured with cable ties .
12 It is thanks to these men of ability and vision that the deaf communities in Britain became so well established and respected , and that the deaf communities were drawn together into a national movement which after a false start exists to this day in the British Deaf Association .
13 These differ from those of the Nuer in that they do not fuse together into a single , all-pervasive deity .
14 Frequently , therefore , their explanations will not fit together into a single picture .
15 Nucleons are either protons or neutrons , locked together into a boiling cauldron that is the nucleus .
16 The result is that different networks such as ARCnet and Ethernet can be tied together into a single LANtastic internet .
17 By the late 1960s a number of lines of evidence were being brought together into a new , radical model of global tectonics .
18 Within a partnership the interests of the partners can be diverse and the success of the practice hinge on the way in which the partners ' ambitions are moulded together into a harmonious plan .
19 Here then we see how different social pursuits , areas of activity , and the distinction between men and women are woven together into a composite picture of the universe with a mystical connection between its components .
20 In their efforts to weld together into a coherent master plan proposals deriving from several different sources : party politics , expert advisers , and Home Office experience , Jenkins and his senior civil service adviser constituted an unusually perceptive and skilful partnership .
21 It may well be that a particular piece of research needs to focus on selected people for information , and the information gained from them will be fitted together into a coherent and consistent pattern with virtually no percentages and significance tests at all .
22 Six more joined it , slowly screwing out of nothing , until they suddenly stretched together into a tangled web of pulsating tendrils .
23 By now , other men with microphones were moving among the audience , and so many people were shouting to be heard that George could no longer identify individual speakers as words overleaped one another and blended together into a great cry of confused and frightened protest .
24 Does it sound to you as though it would need a miracle to make randomly jostling atoms join together into a self-replicating molecule ?
25 The number which attends him is , I think , about twelve , which he brings together into a little school and instructs accordingly to their several degrees of proficiency …
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