Example sentences of "[verb] himself [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He had no desire to defeat boredom by provoking political excitement and keeping himself constantly at a stretch .
2 And the Quixote himself sounds too light , and lacks that dominating nobility of expression that allows him to impose himself suddenly on a scene hitherto occupied almost exclusively by the Boy and the orchestra .
3 In the first called Ascot , Nielsen disguises himself cunningly in a hat that would have probably made Gertrude Shilling turn pale .
4 He has committed himself definitely to a belief .
5 Plainly the man who wrote this was the man who in Hugh Selwyn Mauberley took as his model and master Gautier , who described himself proudly as a man ‘ pour qui le monde visible existe ’ .
6 At no. 6 lived Anne Knight , a widow born in Horningsham , Wilts. , where , by coincidence , a number of Titfords had been baptised in the mid-17th century ; no. 8 contained the Tomlinson family , a hay salesman 's bookkeeper from Norwich ; George Childs at no. 10 described himself grandly as a ‘ Landscape Painter ’ , and at no. 14 a lady called Mary Archer was in business as a private lodging-house keeper , assisted by Eliza Wade , her 17-year-old servant from Stepney .
7 Electronics specialist or not , he regarded himself primarily as a classicist and– indeed , he was totally fluent in reading and writing both Latin and Greek .
8 He seated himself comfortably in a chair opposite the bed , and hooked a footstool towards him with the toe of his shoe .
9 Cashman lowered himself heavily into a chair and sat with his face buried in his hands .
10 His feet sank into a carpet whose blues and creams evoked a summer sky and , at Vigo 's behest , he lowered himself uneasily into a chair with a yellow satin seat and legs of rearing dragons .
11 He lowered himself gingerly to a gilt chair and stirred his coffee , the spoon circulating slowly until it finally stopped and he sat staring at it .
12 Jesus pushed himself off and floated rapidly around the Lift , bringing himself expertly to a stop less than a metre from the slight form of Christine LaFayette .
13 Lennox also hit back at critics , who claim he should have avoided the dangerous Ruddock and hidden himself away for a world title shot , snapping : ‘ I know the British fight fans will respect me for going in against the best instead of facing an easy touch .
14 Gooch has moved himself now to a very advanced second slip , no he 's going back to the aisle or to , I thought perhaps his position as Lawrence comes into short down the leg side and Russell takes it on his knees , but the conscience I think of the ball not carrying , he just mostly can , Chris Lewis that , come up a yard or two and Lewis scraps a mark with his boot .
15 How do we know he wo n't discharge himself again after a week ?
16 In an advertisement in the Northampton Mercury of 27 April 1747 he describes himself simply as a millwright , but goes on to offer his services as a manufacturer and repairer of many kinds of agricultural machinery , weighbridges and ‘ mathematical and philosophical instruments ’ , as a designer of all kinds of mills , as a maker of ventilators for hospitals , gaols , granaries , or ships , and as a surveyor of gentlemen 's estates .
17 Wilkie , who describes himself modestly as a working journalist , then tracked down the poet 's widow .
18 She found it obnoxious that her son permitted himself a living relationship when , like her , he should be occupying himself exclusively with a dead one .
19 He sees himself more as a poet , his mind receptive to many ideas and influences , some visual , some musical , some literary , which he amalgamates into his work in a similar way to Proust writing A La Research du Temps Perdu .
20 He defended himself vigorously in a series of letters , protesting — in this case to the journalist William Archer — that ‘ The very last charges I expected them to bring against a book concerned merely with the doom of hereditary temperament & unsuitable mating in marriage were that it was an attack on marriage in general , that it was immoral , & that characters who recant their opinions & come to a sad end were puppets invented to express my personal views in their talk . ’
21 Slowly Georg got out of the van , looked around to make sure there was no-one who knew him , then he walked quickly across to the station restaurant , entered , and hid himself quickly in a booth that had a view of the rails .
22 And sings himself home in a Crack .
23 I make a crack to some little thin guy in a blazer who is following us up , but we says nothing and stares in front of him like he 's forcing himself forward in a hill-climb .
24 The first is that by positioning himself conspicuously behind a veil , the Resident could leave the population in a state of desirable uncertainty about the degree of influence he actually exercised over their emir : his advice was not seen to be taken , but neither was it seen to be rejected .
25 Manville pulled himself together with a mental jolt .
26 He also emphasizes that the chief executive should take into account the power structure of the organization , be careful to choose the right time to promote initiatives , and , in particular , avoid committing himself publicly to a specific objective or action until he knows that it is definitely what he wants and that he can get the support .
27 Drew acquitted himself well as a witness .
28 However , Mains regards himself more as a forward coach these days , and will obviously make his strongest impact there — especially if Brewer is there to help .
29 All that was generally required of Gabriel was to point a finger , or spread his arms ; to stand up majestically , or fling himself forward into a flying harness high above the stage .
30 In 1867 he became minister to the Borough New synagogue , south London , a post which he combined with a variety of Jewish and non-Jewish charitable and philanthropic endeavours , whilst busying himself also as a prison visitor .
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