Example sentences of "[verb] before he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sounds fine , but , well , even if Montgomery manages to raise this bomber , if he manages to cut a hole in the fuselage without blowing us all to kingdom come , if he manages to extract the atom bomb and if he manages to secure it to the Angelina 's cradle , what happens if the thing detonates before he reaches the Kásos Strait ? ’
2 He almost stopped before he reached the end of the sentence , flicking his black eyes over the company to make sure no strangers were present to overhear , report , misrepresent his little blow against hierarchy .
3 In addition , ‘ bounty money ’ was paid from a fund created by Michelins , the tyre manufacturers ; Guynemer , the French ‘ as des as ’ , earned before he died the huge sum of approximately 15,000 francs ( which he handed over to a foundation for wounded airmen ) .
4 Second , the only way of avoiding this presumption of responsibility is for the defendant to prove either ( a ) that the driving , accident or damage occurred before he took the car , or ( b ) that he was neither in , on or near the vehicle when that driving , accident or damage occurred .
5 ‘ Blood probably coagulated before he entered the water . ’
6 If peace was not obtainable on these terms , then of course he wanted victory , and he wanted to know before he started the battle that he could be certain of gaining it .
7 Expertise and experience count for nothing if a fighter is n't mentally prepared before he enters the ring .
8 Well , right he 's , this was probably written before he got the second one , because they would have done this last term
9 They had to get rid of a leader before they could bring themselves to admit that the poll tax was a mistake and I ca n't see John Major going before he loses the next election .
10 Antony rose , but they heard the door being opened before he left the room .
11 My dad 's he did n't understand before he seen the mini eggs why they 're so dear .
12 Yes , said , so the agreement between us was made signed in blood I thought then I shook hands with him the signature faded before he left the yard .
13 His calculations were very accurate , and he was able to take what seemed to uninitiated Staff Officers big risks , knowing that the shelling would stop before he reached the place being shelled .
14 Spittals made great play of tapping the microphones and checking that they worked before he introduced the superintendent .
15 It should be noteá though that he crosses one boundary , from graveyard to dream , but not the next ; when he tries to swim the river to Heaven at the end of the poem he is halted and woken before he reaches the water .
16 I replied that if Seius Oceanus ( to whom the estate ought to be made over when he reached the age of sixteen , under trust under the will of Seius Saturninus by the trustee-heir Valerius Maximus ) died before he completed the set period of time , the estate under trust belongs to the person to whom the rest of his property will belong , since the trust vested during his lifetime , that is if by postponing the time for payment the testator would seem rather to have granted the trustee-heir custody than to have imposed an uncertain term on the trust .
17 He moved slowly , according to Nithard , " wanting to know which way things would go before he crossed the Alps " ; only when it had become clear that plenty of support would be forthcoming did he decide to claim " the whole empire " .
18 Your husband needs to relax before he hits the sack .
19 The days of immediate response and speedy marches were over for Charles with such a complex and expanding realm to govern ; two years passed before he invaded the Avar lands in retribution .
20 Fully two minutes must have passed before he plucked the pipe from his mouth and said : ‘ I do n't know what the document contains .
21 To which party did Sir Cyril Smith belong before he rejoined the Liberal Party ?
22 Hen birds store sperm until the eggs need to be fertilised : the male 's behaviour ensured that this store was at least partially emptied before he inseminated the female , thereby giving himself a better chance to fertilise the eggs .
23 In the morning he picked up the van in Hilderbridge and drove to Jackley the long way round through Byss , having a newly upholstered chaise longue to deliver before he made the Jackley collection .
24 As a moral imperative , far from being incommensurable with his previous considerations , it merely adds others similar in kind ; he now has to see things from his parents ' viewpoint as well as his own , consider their health and resources , ask himself how much they have done to arouse his gratitude or his rancour , whether his staying would really do them any good , whether he can get on with them without quarrelling , and add all this to the information which he must assimilate before he lets the needle of his internal compass finally settle in the direction of Bali or of home .
25 ‘ Captain Aranyos wants to see you in the south chapel of the Stefansdom at three o'clock , ’ she blurted before he had the opportunity to broach the subject .
26 Somersaulting before he reached the opposite side of the recreation room , Rostov flexed his legs and allowed himself to come gently to rest .
27 During the 14 hours prior to surgery the house officer explained the operation again to Mr Reynolds and ensured that he understood what was to happen before he signed the consent form .
28 Therefore , he must be killed before he gets the chance to become emporer .
29 Henry , count of Champagne and king of Jerusalem at the end of the twelfth century , had been twice betrothed before he won the heiress of Jerusalem : once , when he was five or six , to a lady of two , later on to her younger sister .
30 ‘ My brother , thought he would dine before he obeyed the summons , and by this delay the child was dead before he arrived …
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